I'm a boy who was circumcised 5 days ago. It's already killing me not being able to masturbate but it says 4-6 weeks everywhere I look! I tried just rubbing up and down the shaft but as soon as I get hard the skin tightens up and it hurts to do anything from there. I attempted this for five HOURS yesterday and I was not successful. I don't see the doctor for another week. Think I'm healing fairly quickly but I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Please help!
When can I masturbate!!!???: I'm a boy... - Men's Health Forum
When can I masturbate!!!???

They say: "4-6 weeks" for a reason. When you get circumcised, your skin, and bridge is cut off. Making this un-natural for a natural human body. Therefore the body has to get used to this. By this, it take the skin to heal, along with the stitches. Give it time, and try not to masturbate. You could rip the skin, causing harm to the penis.

Wow, very wise words from a 13 years old boy!
Thank you,
Wait and relax. The more late you make the more you will enjoy the ecstasy
Definitely wait a few more weeks, you could cause harm to yourself. Keep your mind elsewhere try tight underwear to reduce movement, this may help stop those thoughts ?
When you and your penis are ready take it easy, it will be a different experience. Good luck
Hi ,I am 25 years old , I had circumcised 10days back then after that bit of swelling on that area and having some pain so is salt water really helping or not ?
How much long to wait for healing after circumcision?
what is the meaning of salt water?
I mean is salt directly mixing with water or else ? and how to use it? plz reply me...
I didn't listen to any of you, but I probably should have. I have an appointment with my urologist because while I was masturbating, I bled on the underside of my penis for three minutes. When I say bled, I mean spewed dark thick blood everywhere. Afterwards, it was like it never happened.
Here's the thing
I couldn't take it anymore, so I masturbated again just now. It took about 45 minutes, but I eventually came (with the help of Riley Reid that is).
Good parts: I came
Bad parts: I bled the first time
About a fifty fifty split for me so I'm happy.
Yeah, I know it can be very hard (no pun intended) to control yourself and abstain from masturbation. I am circumcised myself a few years ago at 17 and felt the same. But be strong and don't repeat it as you don't wanna have an ugly penis after it's healed!