I started getting buried penis a little over a month ago. I don't know what is causing it or why it has just started to get even worse a month ago, but I've never had this problem to this extent before. Back in my teenage years, it would happen for maybe a day or two at a time, and then go away, and it has been rare since then.
However, a month ago it started getting really annoying. A couple weeks later, for awhile it seemed to not be as bothersome, but a week later it was back and buried again more annoying than ever, and I get relief for about a minute after un-tucking it.
However, since it started happening, I've lost 20 pounds, and it has not improved. When pressure is applied to the pubic region, it pushes the foreskin over it and tucks it in. My penis also feels smaller in the past month than it was. I thought maybe the problem is my cold was causing a lack of blood being pumped there as sex drive was low while I was sick, but I haven't felt sick in a good 5-6 days and it is not better. I also don't feel as my sex drive is low right now, just a smaller penis somehow.
I am 6'1'' and 287 pounds. I was 308 pounds when this problem first started. If this is due to obesity, I guess part of the reason weight loss may not have helped is because the weight I've lost thus far has been mostly on the face, chin, neck, arms, and thighs. My waist line hasn't receded much and my gut is still just as big, so it is still pushing against the region that pushes the foreskin.
I'm going to ask about this in 3 months when I get my anti-depressants renewed if it hasn't stopped then, because I estimate I'll be about 30-35 pounds lighter by then, and if being down to 250 doesn't help, I don't imagine weight loss really will fix it.
Any other ideas? I tried taping it up, wearing a condom keep the skin in place, or applying a not too tight rubber band, but nothing can stop the skin from folding.