Hey guys!
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while I’ve just been sooo busy with uni work and things.
Anyway just thought I’d give an update on how the post surgery is now. Practically all my sensitivity has gone now, I’m basically back to normal life and everything is fine. I still have some swelling but I know swelling can take a while to go down, I’ve heard months upon months so that’s no worry for me.
I’m in no pain or anything, about 99% of my stitches are out now and trust me once they come out, or start to come out the healing process gets so much better and it gets quicker too so yeah everything is good and I couldn’t be happier now that I’ve got it done. For those who don’t know I needed it because I had phimosis and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made
Feel free to ask anything because I love helping out haha
Have a good day/night