Age 32, Looking to be with a girl for the first time, and I'm worried about how my penis looks. When measured flaccid I'm just over 5 1/4in. When erect a bit longer. Obvious first time anxiety especially at age 32 (sigh). I faced a trauma as a child, and was sexually humiliated by two female baby sitters in their 20's, who got off on belittling and humiliating men/boys, I was 7 years old, and they didn't leave out anything they made fun of my weight my clothes my physical appearance my penis, and said I was a loser. This crushed my self esteem and ruined my ability to have relationships even into high school, I literally avoided women even ones that seemed to like me, out of fear and post traumatic stress. Finally worked up the courage right at the end of high school to tell a girl that I was crazy about how I felt she stopped me in my tracks and told me not to say anything further, instant rejection, which after all those years of pain to work up enough courage to try and get what I wanted, it was like being humiliated all over again. I kinda gave up on myself and became introverted, then was encouraged to go to a therapist to try and talk about my feelings and what happened. It really helped put things into perspective and from a comfortable standpoint which made me feel better about sex in general, when in the past it was some times hard to even watch pornography because of how it made me feel about my self. Now years later I'm much healthier, last two years I've lost 130 pounds in body fat put on 27 pounds of lean muscle, and next month having plastic surgery to remove the excess skin, seeing an excellent doctor. Also found out at age 27 that I have hypogonadism so from the age of 13 to 27 my testosterone was at the level of a 90 year old man, explaining a lot of the uncontrollable anxiety, when trying to talk to a girl. Finally gotten to a point were things are looking up and I want to experience sex (32 years is a long time). My biggest concern is my penis I suffered with a little self dysmorphic disorder which is were a person can only see flaws in themselves, but that's gotten better. But no matter what I'm still worried about feeling embarrassed because of my penis shape, size, appearance, etc...
Wanted to know if it looked okay. Camera shy could only get about half mast.