Really worried about this
Is this a staph infection???? - Men's Health Forum
Is this a staph infection????

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doesn't look like it mate. looks more like a sweat/heat rash perhaps? is it itchy?
No if u look closely it’s got a white head or something ? It’s painful to touch
i just googled staph infection images and yours doesn't look like them. could it be a bite maybe? if its really hurting maybe call your dr?
Wear a condomn next time bro! Can’t trust these hoes
It’s not thrush ? I got circumsised coz of thrush
No I kept getting thrush coz of my phimosis but I’m just worried what this is
I haven’t had sex since getting circumsised this game up when I went fishing for the week
Have a doctor look at it.
Speak to your doctor mate. It doesn’t look like any thing serious but it is always best to get it checked out.
Mate I’ve tried to get a doctors appointment and there all busy every day I phone -.- can u ask your mrs??
Which means ?
Iam sure that is nothing important that you should worry about , but call your doctor my friend
As I see you said that you hadn’t sex after the surgery so just relax and talk with your doctor , I suppose that it’s something from the fishing day
Then is a std or psoriasis.
Have you had this checked, looks a little like bowens disease. which inturn can turn into penile cancer
What’s that
I went to see immunologist today and showed him and he didn’t say it was that I got urologist in two weeks so il show him, it’s doesnt look like that now it’s gone down