Hey! To keep everything short and simple, I got circumcised in January, during the healing period, after around 80 days I realised that my stitches cracked up (GOT RIPPED).
I just had my second circumcision 4 days ago, friday last week. The 23rd. It was done by the same doctor. I am really scared that something is wrong! I occasionally get this "light brown-red" looking liquid from the part I marked as #1 on the picture. !!!Please keep in mind that I just put Vaseline on the wound!!! This also happened when my stitches did not heal correctly due to them ripping. I also have a "bump", like a boulder, where I'm pretty sure the skin is healing together with the rest of the penis shaft. I marked this "boulder" or small "mountain" as #2, blue on the image. I do not want to pull the skin down, as it's only been 4 days. What should I do? Should I pull down the skin anyways to see if it healed correctly? Is the liquid normal coming from the wound? When should I "pull down" the skin to see if the wound has been fully healed? I do not want to rip/crack it!
You can also see the thread, which I think is normal for being in such low state. I am seeking help!
Image: NSFW! i.imgur.com/IbKyJKd.png NSFW!
Thanks for all answers, I'm really scared that something is wrong.