A week today post circumcision (is this... - Men's Health Forum

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A week today post circumcision (is this natural?)

Curlyboi1998 profile image
21 Replies

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Hi guys, quick question, today this grew on my frenulum kinda like yellow substance, heard stuff saying it's normal just wanted to be sure!

There is a mini smell coming from there but that only lasts for about an hour after a salt bath basically

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Curlyboi1998 profile image
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21 Replies
DannyDi profile image

Yep completely normal mate I had it too it will be gone by week 2 to week 3, I went to the doctor's for check-ups and they said the yellow stuff did normal and part of the healing process just give it time mate , salt baths will help

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

Cheers buddy means a lot! Basically came right outta no where aha😂check the underside every night before bed, was no yellow the night before to that aha!

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

Hahaha yeah mate it just appears Randomly, it happened to me loads

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

So weird like just came after a salt bath was like holy s**t. Now this morning it's very faint it's strange! I'm just hoping these stitches go away soon it's a nightmare

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

Haha worse part is they could take up to the 6 weeks mark to go , I've still got a lot in I think I'm on day 17 haha, one taking long salt baths now just letting it soak as I don't need the stitches in now I don't have to worry about then dissolving in the water

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

That's more than fair enough mate! I'm on day 8, I feel one or two have come out, most are beginning to loosen now as I can pulling the remaining skin back a little more, think that's why there's a smell that hits me in the face for the first half hour or so aha

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to Curlyboi1998

Because I need to start back to uni soon as I'm already playing catch up I was gonna go to the doctors by me after two and a half weeks if there are any stitches still there to take out as they're really making any walking uncomfy

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

They won't take them out after 2 weeks mate as they might still need to be in there, they'll say come back after 6 weeks if there still there, yeah it took me up until a couple days ago to be able to walk comfortably, I was walking round like a snail for the first week and half hahaha, are you wearing breifs or boxers? As breifs help a lot!

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

Serious? Some said they can be taken out after three weeks, I hope not to have that option anyways as the last two days some are loosening a lot!💯and I'm still walking a bit shit ngl especially up stairs etc! And to be honest mate a mix of both but I've found slightly more comfortability wear tena pads with boxer briefs :)

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

Yeah some people find it more comfortable mate, yeah walking upstairs is shit haha , I'm.beyyer at that now but I can't get in a car fast or properly still

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

These things are just proper irritating now aha😂and it's awful just the rest I can just manage like..! And I dread driving the first time after this lmao

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

Hahaha yeah mate the being process after circimcision is one of the worst most uncomfortable things I've ever been through, at times it gets you really down wishing you never did it but it gets better with time, just think, if you cut your finger or graze yourself it takes weeks and weeks before the scan goes and it's healed, so course it's gonna take ages for something like this too heal, they've cut out skin completely off, cut the frenulum which is so sensitive and complex and the glands have been exposed for the first time, that's if you had phimosis which I did

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

Yeah mate I'm super outdoorsy and active so being bed bound for 8 days today then tbh can't see myself leaving my house for another week at least yet...and I'm going through that right now...I suffer badly with mental health too so it's not a good time naturally and not being able to see my other half ATM is tough too...!

And yeah that's true bro I'm banking on it tbh, and yes phimosis is what I had, never was able to get the gland to appear ever fully

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

Yeah it's shit it is mate, you'll be alright bro just a few more weeks then you'll be back to normal, it will be over before you no it, you've just got to try and get back to normal a bit, try and get a round, it's fact that of you try and feel better yourself and be positive you heal quicker, a really hard part for me is not wanking or doing stuff with my Mrs 😂I used to do things at least 4 times a day having a high libido

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

Soon as I'm able to walk fine go back to uni and see friends without major discomfort I.e stitches then the other few weeks before sex and stuff will fly be...! And fair play bro it's stupidly tough for me too...! Eight days and all I can think about is ramming it in her like yet I'm like 15% of the way there 😂😭

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

Hahaha I know what you mean mate 😂just wanna be discreet her over like, I can get a hard in without pian now so i just have to get by fingering her for now 😂I've got to do something or I'll go crazy like lmao

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

Just knowing I can do stuff to pass time will be a huge weight lifted off my shoulders plus all this uni work to catch up on as well 🙃...! And I seriously cannot wait for the time I can get hard without it being a kick to the dick bro...! Only now the lay two days I'm getting full hard ones like 😑tbh about a month in when I can actually get to her I'll probably do the same, althkugh it's kinda teasing ourselves it's something

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

Yeah mate you'll feel better when you can, unfortunately for me I had to go back to work 4 days after my operation and I build cars 😂 needless to say the first day didn't go well when a fees hours in I felt really wet down there and my balls were burning like fuck, went to the bathroom and there was blood everywhere lol I bled twice bad during my recovery and was fucking worrying haha, this recovery process is hard 😂

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

Like I'll give credit my tutor says take as long as you need as it's my second year and she knows I can catch up...! But I'm trying not to miss too much at the same time 🤔and holy shit bro that's very soon and probably at a job that requires a lot of movement in that area etc I feel for you!💯yeah it's so tough...! Don't think I've had such low self esteem in my life

DannyDi profile image
DannyDi in reply to Curlyboi1998

You'll feel better in yourself when your all healed mate because I know phimosis ha shelf me back a bit having to explain to some girls why it doesn't go back 😂just take as much time as you need off like you said bro, and that first nut is gonna be great 😂

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to DannyDi

It was a right nuisance explaining to previous people why it wouldn't go all the way back and after s while it wouldn't show itself full stop...! 😂and yeah wanna try and aim for the Monday after next hopefully if all goes well depends on stitches and stuff tho I guess!

And I honestly cannot wait ngl

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