Hi guys anyone know what this is ? I’m worried about it came up two days ago? It looks abit like a boil? It’s sore ...? Any one know or have an idea what it is ? I do suffer with boils and subaceous cysts on my balls but that’s on my shaft ...
Not sure what this is ? Someone help me... - Men's Health Forum
Not sure what this is ? Someone help me ...

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It might be an ingrown hair don,t touch go to doc
You recon
Red, raised and infected. Definitely a cyst/boil or ingrown hair/pimple. You can try to squeeze it to release it, but if the material is too deep, you will probably just break the skin and irritate the area. Leave it alone for a bit.
Fungal infections can present itself as a boil / cyst...before stabbing yourself and risking greater infection I'd try a mix of something like neosporin plus pain relief and an antifungal ointment for jock itch.. apply several times a day for 3 days...if it starts to get better just keep applying the ointments until the issue is gone...if it gets worse then go to the doctor...over all be careful if you decide to stab it with a needle...especially if its fungal...you dont want it getting into your bloodstream...that would be bad.
I get these now and then. I’m pretty hairy and mine are ingrown hairs. Mine usually clear up within a week. 😉
Look at my most recent post??? That’s not a ingrown hairs ...
Yes, I didn’t see your recent post. Definitely not ingrown hairs.
What do you think it is ?
Did your doctor rule out shingles? Herpes?
He didn’t mention them but I’m sure he would of fort it was that if he did ??
I would hope so. I had shingles once and they are pretty painful. And they sting and burn an itch a little. Hope you find an answer soon man.
Can shingles kill you?! I’m scared now
It has to be a pretty severe case. Did you have chickenpox when you were younger?
Yeah from what I can remember of why ??
If you’ve had chicken pox, you can get shingles. If you’ve never had chicken pox and come in contact with someone with shingles, you will probably get chicken pox and not
Shingles. You said you have anxiety and stress can be a trigger for shingles.