I was recently circumcised 6 days ago. Most of the swelling went down but I still have this ring around my head. When I first noticed it 2nd day after surgery I told my doctor and he said it was fine and that it’s only there due to swelling from the surgery but on day 6 which is today, it seems to be getting a little harder and more firm. It doesn’t hurt or anything but it’s just really puffy. It might be due to the swelling after the circumcision but I feel like it’s something else. I attached a picture so you guys can get a better understanding. PLEASE HELP!!!
Horseshoe looking ring going around my ... - Men's Health Forum
Horseshoe looking ring going around my penis head after circumcision

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Actually your condition post-op 6 days looks mighty normal and well. It seems like you're maybe at least 75% erect and I don't visually see any abnormal tension straining being stressed on your stitch ridge right now, which is great 👍
Your glans looks normal and healthy for the environmental exposure.
The prepuce that's swole will go through changes of firm swelling vs soft swelling. Which are both determined by the fluid volume and pressure inside of your prepuce (inner foreskin that's stitched to your shaft's skin). Your swelling seems circularly even, and will become more stretched, and flattened within the next 4 weeks for you. It's only swelled to provide for containment of your body's natural lymphedema fluid that is necessary for your wound and soft-tissue injury to recieve the proteins and amino acid blocks it needs for total repair, and tissue fusing. Once that's completed, the fluid will dissipitate away and trsvel back to its lymphic storages.
You have a wonderful and comfortable looking circumcision compared to many of us others! Just try not to let your erections get too stern hard, so pressure won't be exerted on your stitched skins. Allow them to have as much slack as they need to comfortably heal and fuse, and strenghten.
Since I don't see any open sores, there's no reason you cant use mild soap and showering warm water to keep clean. DO NOT SCRUB YOUR PENIS WITH A TOWEL JUST YET THOUGH.
I don't see any need for you to wear a gauze with a whole lot of vaseline or any of those things that some guys in their first week has to do.
So you seem pretty good. It can't do nothing but get better each and everyday for you. Keep us posted with pics and data, and please DO NOT MASTURBATE OR HAVE SEX until after 45 days from today, your (51st day👍👍👍).
**** Also if I were you, I wouldn't be doing any salt baths, salt dipping, or baths period right now. Let your stitches be free of any inteference other thsn plsin water and your clothing. Don't do the salt baths until your 3rd week when you actually want the dissolving stitches to get weakened so they can fall off. Don't do this prematurely in your 1st or 2nd week though.
Bucky85 is notoriously anti-circumcision. I was circumcised myself recently but I do agree with Bucky on two points 1) it should never happen to children and 2) you should always explore more conservative methods first.
But it does also feel like he is trying to "scare" people who have recently gotten circumcised. The swelling will most likely subside in 3 weeks. Some people have minor swelling afterwards for up to 6 months but nothing like you have now. Don't worry. Also, is your penis erect in the picture? You should avoid erections this early on. Wait at least 3 weeks to facilitate healing.

He had me scared for a moment.. and no my penis is fully flacid in the picture
What technique was used for this and if you don't mind me asking which surgery completed your circumcision?
Mine took 20 weeks to stop being uncomfortable