I’m on day 9 since my operation, stitches are still in, someone show signs of dissolving and others don’t. I’ve got swelling around the stitches but that’s expected and nothing I worry about, my frenulum is the most painful part and when rest against my balls when I sleep I find it irritating and worry that it’ll stop if healing because it’s not fully exposed. I went to the doctors today as a lower bit of the frenulum was covered in yellow ooze and I wasn’t sure (and neither was he) if it was discharge or infection so I’m now on meds to help it. (What should it normally look like during the healing process?) should I rest my penis up against my stomach so its exposed more or leave it resting against my balls
How should I position my penis when sle... - Men's Health Forum
How should I position my penis when sleeping at night after a circumcision

After my circumcision, my doctor had told me to keep my penis looking straight up instead of down to keep it from getting exposed to the cloth. I would recommend you to sleep on your side to keep from having an erection.
I’m currently sleeping naked, they said after 3 days to take off the bandage? Does that mean replace it with a new one or keep it off entirely? I put one on when I go out but when I’m home I stay naked
Hi there I’m two months post surgery now and what I can say is that it will get better 9 days afterwards stuff down there can still seem a little swollen, red & for me stinky with yellow ooze/discharge, my stitches were the last too go and that took until about day 15/16 I recommend nude sleeping if you can it will give the area air and to be honest help you get used to the feeling and tenderness, can’t caution slow moving enough if you have to roll over into your side then hold your shaft and slowly rotate. Feel free to message me if you have any other things I can help with. Good luck bud
Hey, thanks for your help! my only concern is the chance of infection I have, I’m doing all I can to make sure I keep it clean, washing when I wake up and before I go to bed. I’m not going out and staying nude I’m my house all day alongside taking the medication given to me by my doctor to fight any infection/bacteria. I appreciate your concern and guidance.
You could consider investing in a bed cradle, that will keep the bed clothes clear of your body. I did the same as you; stayed naked indoors and slept naked as well. I'm doing the same again these days - but now because of the heat!! Good luck, chum.

I just sleep with a blanket over my chest and duvet over my legs and keep my crotch exposed, I’ve got a fan in my room to deal with heat too. Thanks for the idea though! I’ll keep you guys posted weekly
Being cautious of infection is the smartest move with circumcision because I think all the men on here have the same fear, I was a paranoid wreck anytime I seen something abnormal I’d fear for the worst but if you’re keeping it clean and taking meds then I’m sure you’ll be fine.
When I wash I get the shower hose and sprinkle it on medium power all over my penis? Is this the best way to do it, I can’t scrub it ofc as I still have stitches in and it’s extemely sensitive/I don’t wanna damage anything. I’m not using and shampoo or soap just a plain water shower
I would say so I done this too for the first couple of weeks and don’t worry about scrubbing at all as long as the area is being cleaned in general with warm water no soap and I didn’t even
Shampoo my hair whilst in the shower just incase a bit dropped down so I’d do it afterwards, a bath is necessary eventually just soak and you’ll notice any dry skin starting to flak off and be gentle but firm with a sponge and I found it helpful to dab the sponge until I felt comfortable with the texture on my penis and after this you will be on the road to normal life again.
How long until I have a bath? Should I wait for stitches to completely disappear first? And should I make it a salt bath or leave it normal?
I was advised to bath after three days by the Nhs helpline and on my leaflets but I felt uneasy about it as my post op bandage was a really well made one it didn’t come off until day three I finally bathed about day 12-13 just a quick one mind and yeah I added salt to every bath I had, you’ll feel the difference, also just incase your not try let it air dry I still have problems now with towel drying as it’s the last texture that’s still sensitive to me still don’t understand it
Awesome thank you so much for your help! Yeh I let it air dry when I shower as it’s still sensitive and the texture of a towel is harsh when I pat it
How long do you mean by quick? I never really have baths I just shower and I know baths are longer than having a shower. 5 minutes?
I was the same until the op obviously so I know how you feel, I’d suggest judge on how you feel, on a rough scale anywhere from 10-20 minutes just for that soak unlike the shower I wouldn’t push it to the point where your skin starts to wrinkle, you’ll see and feel the effects of the bath if you look at the tip of your penis it’ll sort of become more flaky in a sense like it’s becoming loose and you’ll notice your stitches under the water more, when this starts to happen like I said before dab your sponge under water onto your penis and gently clean any dry areas sometimes this can feel rough and a little strange but under the water the sensitivity it’s around 10 times less sensitivity. Let me know how you get on and again anymore questions don’t feel afraid to just reply or message me direct
Sleep to your side m8 that way it’s not really touching anything as much, I got circumsized 6 days ago and Iv been doing that and it works for me
but it pricks and hurts when i try to sleep on my sides