I was circumcised 6 weeks ago.
When I touch my penis head and shaft on the skin of the penis there’s only like 10% feeling. Im worried
I was circumcised 6 weeks ago.
When I touch my penis head and shaft on the skin of the penis there’s only like 10% feeling. Im worried
Why did you get circumcised?
I got circumcised because I had phimosis and I still have a lot of sensitivity.
Hi user282, how long ago did you have it and how much sensitivity remains as a %?
I was circumcised about 6 weeks ago. And I have about 60% sensitivity left but my frenulum was left intact so that could be why.
My Frenulem will be removed as it has a painful area- this slightly worries me now. On one hand I lose the pain and hopefully the trade off is minimal reduction in sensetivity.
If you don’t want to lose sensitivity, call off the surgery. willywellbeing.com
Chris45 sorry for hijacking your post. I am certain you will get some good advice on here.
Yes and when it's in pain because of phimosis, you wont feel pain no more so you are cured
The opening can be easily and painlessly enlarged with simple stretching. willywellbeing.com