Probably over dramatically but does this look okay I know I posted one from the bottom half but since then it’s swollen dramatically 😭
Scared worried : Probably over... - Men's Health Forum
Scared worried

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I can assure you that it looks perfectly normal for the first day after your circumcision. The swelling and bruises are just part of it. Mine looked just the same or even worse. Nothing to worry about!
Okay promise me ??? What about the bit under neath on the other part where my freunulum has been cut off ???
That part is always the worse. It also took me the most time to heal. Don't worry. Just give it a week and it will look and feel already a lot better, I promise
But what about actually trying to clean it and put my antibiotic cream on the stitches ! It’s way to sensative can you be there for me if need a chat ?
Never apply or take antibiotics if they are not prescribed by a GP fotr you. Taking abs when not in need causes microbe resistance to the antibiotic you are taking which may become innefective for you when you need them.
I got these given to me at the hospital ? It’s a cream
Of it was prescribed by a GP it's fine to take them as the doctor would have reviwed your situation and see that you realy need them and not just taking then because someone else did.
No they gave me it after the op?
If it was prescribed for you it is important that you do what the surgeon suggested .
Yeah I am, I’m just scared to clean it coz of how sensative and how swollen it’s gone 😭😭😭
You have to overcome your fears someday.It is better to get this done rather than it becoming worse.
I know that but I don’t think I can right now it’s been 2 days since the surgery?!?
its totally normal lol we all be over dramatic and paniced cuz of every small shit tho but trust me it will look much better in few days. the first few days u are in shock to realize what happend to ur penis lol thats why we all panic and over dramatic. anyways there is nothing to worry about looks normal
Look totally fine, nothing to worry about. You always see it at something worse than it is. Trust me, unless you have a fever, generally there is nothing really to worry about and you can be calm.
But I’m struggling to clean it my pain threshold is 0 and it’s so sensative and sore ...? What the hell do I do ?
Soak it in a salt bath (cup) or chamomile tea. The warm water should dissolve the dried blood and chamomile tea or salt will help with the cleaning as well. Rinsing your penis under warm water after peeing is good too.
I can’t touch it at the moment it’s so swollen bruised and sesantive tho? Look at my post today I put up ! I can’t pull the skin back to expose the stitches :/ it’s so swollen and I’m worried
Here’s a tip for cleaning it:
Turn on the shower, place your hand hovering over your penis to stop the water splashing on the wound but let it run over the wound to clean it. After get some tissue paper and lightly tap it to dry it up.
Or you could have a bath and put some Epsom salts in it to promote healing
Did you have frenulum removed?
Yes I did ????
I did too about 4 months ago. Yours does look more swollen than mine did. My swelling didn't go completely down for almost 3 weeks. Other than that it looks good. Why did you have it done if you don't mind me asking?
I had phimosis my foreskin was too tight was never able to see the head ??? And now everything is so sensative and swollen down there I can’t even touch it I’m scared 😭😭😭
Oh damn. Mine was sensitive too when I got it done but probably not as sensitive as you are I bet. I had really short forskin so my head was almost always exposed. I would keep bandages on while wearing clothes for a while. I've also heard of people using vaseline for the sensitivity. Other than the swelling ha are you happy with the outcome? I'd imagine it looks very different.
Yeah it looks very different and well it’s swollen and that so not really happy with it at the moment only got it done two days ago... just worried to clean it 😭😭😭
Honestly I just let the water go over and gently rubbed it with small amount of soap. Don't go crazy and don't shower for long periods. You don't want those stitches coming out too soon. I was super worried after I did mine but on one of my posts on here someone told me to remember... my penis had just gone through a traumatic experience and to just give it time. Keep those bandages on while at work or what not and in a few days try chill around the house without the bandages.
I used cortisone cream for I think the first couple weeks then I switched to bio oil to reduce the scar
I haven’t got any bandages the seargeon gave me one when I left then hospital and he said if it comes off just leave it off ? I don’t think it’s gonna go well for me tbh coz if you look st my other picture I posted today you can’t see stitches coz skins swollen over the top
That's crazy. My dr gave me a bag of gauze and tape. I don't know if you live in the states but if you do CVS pharmacy is the one stop shop. I'm not a dr but that's the instruction I was given and my dr asa very thorough. He specializes in this. He told me to keep bandages on for at least a week and not to shower for 24+ hours after operation. Be gentle and take care of it. You only get one lol. I healed with out infection or any other complications. I was gonna post a update picture to show progress of how it's doing after 4 months but I don't know. I'm pleased with the care of my dr he has seen me once a month since I had it done. Suppose to see him again in July for I think the last time.
Show me ? And no I’m from the uk :/
It's standard practice in the uk not to keep the wound covered after the first few hours with a bandage. It's very hard to keep a bandage free of urine and it just leads to a greater incidence of infection. Don't forget to use a cold compress - ice pack wrapped in a tea towel for small periods worked best for me to help the swelling. Dip it in warm salt water for a couple of minutes to help the cleaning. If it hurts to apply the anti-biotic cream, take some ibuprofen, wait half an hour and then apply the cream. The ibuprofen may also help with the swelling and inflammation.