Hey guys im 18 and was circumcised today, due to a very horrible case of Phimosis I’m scared if I get an erection it’s going to rip the skin that they have re-attached, just curious what to expect as I know I will encounter one but would like to know from someone’s past experience, any advice is very helpful and greatful for any repsonce, thank you
Just been circumcised and scared to get... - Men's Health Forum
Just been circumcised and scared to get an erection

It's normal to feel like that mate. I had mine done 6 days ago and still feels the same.
If you get an erection when in bed it helps if you curl up into fetal position which seems to stop it pulling so much.
Also avoid porn or anything which may arouse you and definitely don't touch it when it's erect.
Hope it all goes well for you.
I literally posted this and then I’ve had about 5-6 erections throughout the night, not as painful as everyone saying but I might just be lucky how the surgeon has set the dressing, the dressing is really holding it in, I’m also hurts from going erect to flaccid, but super early days yet
Day seven for me I finally got erect and now fear for the stiching and am bleeding can you tell me if you still bleed at day 7 I hear that it's supposed to fully heal and stop by now so I am paranoid lol
Hey dude, I was getting boners on the first day!!! It was excruciating but it never busted a stitch. I was still spotting blood around the stitch line on day 7-9 Day 10 today and it seems ok. Still sore but no where near as bad as it was. Fully heal at day 7?? If only 😂. It's gonna be at least 6-8 weeks man to fully heal. By day 10 you should start feeling like you can move around a bit better.
Day 14. Still have peeling skin but it's healing. Stitches seem to work but they are still there - I thought they would've fallen out by now (doc said it might take 20 days). Still a bit swollen but can pee normally unlike the first few 10 days were it went in a stream. Night erections were only a problem for the first 4/5/6 days I think - they didn't hurt after that which I found strange. Near the frenulum it still looks pretty grim and have an extra bit of skin on the side which still has to go own. I think it's normal. Just hope sex is still good.
Same issue with the extra sex and I hope fapping will still be good cause I am extremely frustrated lol
Day 14 still bleeding but it's cause the area is raw from being covered in scabs and the swilling going down causing the stitched area to show but one stitch keeps making me bleed a lot
Think mines being alright. The only problem is its smaller ...
I'm on my third day erections every night ! abit sore for a while afterwards but everything is still in place, dresses is still on and I've been using Vaseline each day think that helps when erect. Going to try sleeping through the day as every time i have a kip i don't get erect. Anyone know how long before the last piece of gauze comes off definitely not wanting to start showering yet.

Mine came off the first night. I've been changing mine in the morning and at night but some people change it every 24 hours. I had my first shower after a week but I washed my body parts separately. About the erections, try sleeping on your side with your knees tucked up close to your stomach. I kept an ice pack close by at night. If you wake up with an erection place the ice pack between your balls and anus (don't get it directly on your balls though)
ok that sounds like a plan. My gauze came of about 10mins ago i used Vaseline overnight, so that's a relief. Was told to soak it abit and have a wash. Haven't really got the balls for a shower yet. Plus the sensitivity of not having a foreskin is something else hoping that calms down sooner rather than later.

Same took me a week to wash it bad idea scabs caused issues and made the skin where the stitches were raw and because of this it's bleeding way passed the expected heal time and it heavily bless 2 days ago day 13 went to hospital and found out

When I had a shower I put a towel on my abdomen so only a little bit of water went on it. I'd put a gauze on because otherwise it's really difficult to walk plus it keeps it cleaner.
Ho Bro
i had my circumcision 9days back but accidentally due to night erection i guess few of my stitches popped out at the back of my penis on day 5th it bleed a bit on the day but i havent seen any bleeding since.
I read that ther eis no need to restitches again as it will heal again any suggestions. Night erections still hurts a bit after 9th day.
I had mine about a week ago and I had an erection within 1 hour of leaving the hospital on account of the sensitivity of a newly circumcised penis. It hurt a bit but nothing but a bit of bleeding happened... And after day 7 and having at least 10 erections a day especially when talking to my potential partners it's still a bit uncomfortable but no stitches have popped... I even tried to masturbate after 5 days while the stitches are still in. Took 4.5 hours until I eventually gave up. So don't even try until about 4 weeks. But IF you can, try not to have an erection. It will definitely be hard unless you can stand the mild pain of stitches pulling or even popping.
But everyone is different... You'll be fine.
Just woke up this morning the blue dressing has now fell off and it was quite a shock to see my glans and no foreskin can definitely say that the surgeon done one amazing job!
When the dressing fell off I was a bit thrown because my whole life I’ve never seen what my glans look like, so I woke up this morning and felt a bit sick because going 18 years with a non retractable foreskin to completely having the glands out is very different but I cannot fault the surgeon one bit!
Erections are uncomfortable but I feel like people in other forums try putting the ultimate scare into you, from my experience it’s just a bit uncomfortable and pain is quite minimum, but hey everyone is different
You’ve had a dressing on, come back tomorrow when you’ve slept the night and tell us you didn’t wake up nearly crying.
My dressing came off on the first night but like you I thought what is everyone going on about erections aren’t that bad then the 3rd night it hit me 😂
Well I never had a dressing on and it wasn't bad at all... But again everyone experiences things differently
Yeah welcome to the club I would stay up until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any more and still woke up 3/4 times a night nearly in tears but it settles down during the second week for first week is the worst 👍
Ho Bro
i had my circumcision 9days back but accidentally due to night erection i guess few of my stitches popped out at the back of my penis on day 5th it bleed a bit on the day but i havent seen any bleeding since.
I read that ther eis no need to restitches again as it will heal again any suggestions. Night erections still hurts a bit after 9th day.

Hi nick I never bothered to go back after I split some on mine and it’s healed great.
There’s nothing you can do about the nightmare erections at night I used to wake up and grip the shaft at the same time as shouting chair leg 😂
I’ll let you know what it’s like tomorrow lol
It’s getting more comfortable every night if I’m honest, shouldn’t be speaking too soon at the moment 🤣
Do you guys sleep on your back?. I was told to do so by the doc. . Im on day 10, still uncomfortable walking as it rubs against my underwear.. I have a few stitches left. The back of my penis still bleeds a bit but nothing serious. I just want to know when all the stitches will dissolve.. I am definitely going to try the Vaseline part.