i hav not yet tried to pull my foreskin but its tight im 16 and idk abt it so plzz help. is it normal to have a little tight foreskin
MY FORESKIN: i hav not yet tried to pull... - Men's Health Forum

You probably have phimosis and would likely to go and have a circumcision.
Your still quite young at your age circumcision is definitely not recommended. Your foreskin may be still attached to your glans I would suggest wait another year or so and see if anything changes you may be a late developer as ever is different.
Well you have to define normal. Is it normal not to be able to retract your foreskin. No. Is it unusual or rare, no it is not. Many guys suffer from it. Depending on the severity of the phimosis the doctor can recommend either stretching, which requires time and effort on your part, or circumcision, which is a one of procedure that will remove the foreskin from your penis head.
Best thing to do is visit a urologist and go over the options with him. If for whatever reason you explicitly do not want a circumcision (though from person experience I can say there is nothing to be worried about as I am happy with it) make it clear to your doctor and go over the other options that you might have. Ultimately it is your penis so only you can make that decision, however I do recommend reading up on it both circumcision and stretching to get as much info as you can.
To be honest it’s not that many guys that actually suffer from phimosis it’s about 1 in 100 guys and it’s usually resolved by stretching in the uk
1 out of 100? Sources?
This I just one source I have more that also state 1%. If you want me to find them I will .
Just under the table in this link en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phi...
Be aware, their is a penis on this link.
You sir, are clearly biased. Stop scaring the kid.
Don't listen to all these charlatans on the web claiming circumcision is evil - how do they know circumcised men experience less sensitivity when they've never been circumcised themselves? It is an internal contradiction in and of itself. Unlike those charlatans on the web, I have been BOTH circumcised and uncircumcised; and I can attest to the best of my sincere knowledge that the distinction in terms of sensitivity between circumcised and uncircumcised is absolutely negligible. New nerve cells grow in erogenous areas of the penis as the incision heals. The penis is the penis, it has nerve cells all over it and not loss of extra foreskin will rob you from the wonders of sex. On the contrary, ever since I was circumcised I've noticed that my orgasms are more powerful and my ejaculations are a lot more voluminous.
The charletans circumcise.
No, the charlatans tell lies and try to scare off men from getting circumcised.
Don’t listen to anyone on weather too circumcise your penis or not! It is your penis and your choice, so do research about it make sure you use multiple sites and not just one because it may be biased, and the consult your doctors and make up your mind.
Please remember their are other options than circumcision.
Another fellow member of the anti-circumcision sect?
Not in the post above but in so many other posts you did!
Because you, sir have no clue how severe his issue is, even if it is an issue. You say circumcision is a horrendous mutilation of a male penis which is a blatant lie and you should be ashamed of it. You are telling him to do what YOU think is right, whereas I tell him to get informed and do what HE thinks is right. You are in no position, neither professional nor any other to tell anyone what they shouldn't do especially when you support your "claims" with lies, hyperbole and other made up and highly subjective opinions.
For 16, you are normal. You may start attempting retraction to help the process.
That’s complete nonsense. Simple stretching will solve the problem.
I wish him good luck with the stretching. He gonna need it.
The guy is normal for his age, so why are you so anxious for him to be mutilated?
He’s technically not normal for his age, he should be able to pull I back by now, so he should start trying to stretch it, but it could take until age 18 for it to loosen if not then it’s definitely a real cause of phimosis and not just the foreskin being naturally tight or fused.
Therefore needing real stretching, time and effort or a circumcision if he feels he wants that, but it’s not recommended in most doctors to be done before stretching has been tried.
My experience (30 tears) dealing with this subject reveals that tightness during the teen years is normal. If he were phimotic, there’d be a problem, but from his description, that’s not the case. He does not have phimosis. My guess is that with dedicatex stretching, he can resolve the issue in six weeks to two months.
It should not be tight at the age of 16 and at the age of 18 it’s considered real phimosis less than 1% of boys have tight foreskin from 16 - 18.
Tightness in the teens is a lot more common than you claim. It’s not a serious matter.
It obviously isn’t,
Warning theirs a penis on that link
No penis on that link, this proves it.
i recommend you go for the cut. it will makes things much easier for you. the foreskin is a very tender and tend to get bruised easily, a tiny scratch makes you uncomfortable for hour even a day two. when you become of age, sex will be uncomfortable for the skin will be moving back and forth. cleaning it it also is a problem. imagine its already tight and inserting a cleaning tool inside (a rubber-bulb ear syringe etc) i dont think its comfortable. more over it gives a conducive environment for bacteria to flourish. which one is better, gushing water in a invisible surface when cleaning or rubbing a visible surface. its my advice to just consider the cut. when you chop it off, easy life, no pain with attractive appearance. your conscience is right, for you to bring the issue in this forum, you must have been thinking about it, and for you to have thought about it, it must have been bothering you and for something to bother you, it must have been bringing you uncomfort..... consider the cut
I used to have foreskin attached to my glans as I was younger but, well I masturbated as normally and eventually it started loosin up
As far as I am aware it is not normal I agree with ryanr with saying wait a year or so but if it's affecting you seek medical advice from your gp
I forced mine when I was 16 (now 23) and I have never had such an embarrassing a&e visit in my life according to hospital because I left it overnight with the skin stuck behind the head i could have ended up having it amputated (the pain was horrible) but there are a couple if things you can try.
1.stretching by placing your two little fingers for five mins a day about 3 times a day after first couple of weeks then use bigger fingers this did not work for me but it might for you.
2.there might be some form of medicinal cream.
3.circumcision after speaking with a healthcare professional they may suggest that it's advisable to be circumcised
And as embarrassing as it may be ask a parent if possible
I found out that phimosis runs in my family my dad and grandad had it my grandad didn't tell my dad he was circumcised my dad split his foreskin and I am now circumcised so asking family may be beneficial hipe this helps.
hopefully no matter the way it fixes itself or it gets sorted