Im 17 years old and when erect (which is about 6inchs) my foreskin will not go over the head of my penis,when not erect i can pull it over fine,no pain what so ever the head VERY sensitive tho,really dont want to get circumcised and too embarrassed to go doctor,any tips on cream i can buy in the uk or anything please reply asap.Thanks
Tight foreskin: Im 17 years old and when... - Men's Health Forum
Tight foreskin

Hi James. In the uk, the steroid cream used is prescription only. My tightness was so bad I couldn't pull back even when soft. I used the cream for 5 months and it did nothing for me. I suffered for years as too embarrassed to go docs as I'm fat and my dick is small. I kick myself now as the docs see this every day and never batted an eyelid. I had a circumcision 9 weeks ago and things are brilliant now. Wish I'd had it done years ago as after sex mine used to split and bleed and was painful. Sex is now so much more intense and feels amazing. Please see your doctor for advice. They will know what's best for you. No need to be embarrassed like I was. It's all in a days work for them. I'm sure yours won't look any different tone any of the others they've seen.
Feel free to PM me on here if you want to chat further mate.
Until a few years ago I had the same problem as you suffer from. I tried everything to solve this problem, stretching, steroid cream, etc. It didn't help much. Also at age 17 I got myself circumcised. I'm glad I did it. I feel so much better now. But if you don't wanna be circumcised right now, you can still try the stretching and/or the creams. Maybe it works for you.
I am exactly like you I just got cut and life has been great for the most part the real issue is you got a gf cause beating your meat is hard af
In the US the doctor recommended me to stretch the skin when taking a shower everyday as it is considered a mild case of phimosis (google it). The stretching exercise have improved my condition and my doctor recommended I see a Urologist if it gets worse they their is a cream for that, if not circumcision would be the permanent fix but that’s your last option their ways of dealing with it before having to snip away.