i done circumcision i am post 7 days now and my head is not full down but i don't know if i should do this or if this is a must or a don't , help
should i pull the head way down? - Men's Health Forum
should i pull the head way down?

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If it's not too uncomfortable pull it back to clean the stitches. Mine was same at first but after few days I pulled all way back in warm shower. Felt like it was going to hurt but it didn't really. Once you've done it a few times it gets much looser as swelling goes down.
So you say i should do it? I am afraid too and i have never cleaned the stiches i just have ''thrown'' betadine that could have reached the stitches idk
It will be fine. The stitches are much stronger than you think. I went to docs for a check up after a few days for my own piece of mind. I lay on bed and he pulled it right back. Frightened me to death but it was fine!
Nice it happened by itself over night and i woke up and saw it. After that, i can do it myself every time. But i see stiches getting away and i am only 8 days post ... Is this normal?
My surgeon said theyes should start disappearInglis and things between 10 days and 2 weeks. You'll see much better results when they've gone. Mine were very annoying so had them taken out by nurse on day 14. They were just starting to show signs of dissolving when she took them out.
About masturbation or erections? I can't masturbate till my stiches come off right? Can i enjoy an erection though?