I am uncircumcised , when i pull back my fore skin , its will go back to top of my penis in juz few minute, its it my foreskin is to lose? I want to pull it back permanent, and i dont want to circumcise
Hi i want to pull my foreskin behide - Men's Health Forum
Hi i want to pull my foreskin behide

How do i pulled it back permanent? Its keep going back
Leave it alone. It’s supposed to cover the head.
Here is something I found about it: An increasing number of guys wants to have a permanently exposed glans (or penis head) without experiencing the discomfort and inconvenience of circumcision.
This calls for methods for keeping the foreskin permanently retracted.
One of the best tricks in this field is the so called “spoon-method”, which is described below.
It's very easy to do and takes only a few seconds, it also can be removed within a second, if desired.
It works excellent if your foreskin and penis head is normal sized.
Only if your foreskin is too loose or your penis head is too small, it may fail.
You can change anytime between having your penis head covered by the foreskin as normal or have it fully exposed as being circumcised.
The trick is simply "backfolding" your foreskin !
That's how it's done :
retract your foreskin just behind the rim (corona) of your penis head (glans)
to facilitate the backfolding you can just slightly wet the now wrinkled part of the foreskin.
(1) pull off your foreskin from the penis shaft by using thumb and finger, in order to form a kind of hollow or "bag" between skin and shaft. Find out the right spot to get this "bag" as large as possible.
(2) Insert a spoon-handle or a similar object into this bag as deep as possible without causing pain.
(3) Release the foreskin and let it cling to the shaft again. Now the foreskin bag (yellow field) is folded below the penis head.
(4) Now push slightly the foreskin to the shaft
(5) and pull out carefully the spoon-handle
(6) Done ! The foreskin is now kept firmly in its bag on the shaft below the penis head, just as the folded hood of an anorak, leaving your penis head free exposed - just as being circumcised.
Now enjoy the look and the feeling of your always free exposed penis head ! Enjoy all the advances of being circumcised without bearing its drawbacks !
To remove the backfolding just simply pull the foreskin down along the shaft.
See also this picture series how it works:
I was the same as you. I managed to keep my skin behind the glans for years. Of course it would go back from time to time. In the end I decided on a private circumcision. I had it done and am so happy that I did. You should consider it. But do your homework on the right surgeon.