I’m 14 and I masturbate quite frequently and I can pull my foreskin back where I can see the top of the glans but There’s this Sort of line that is stopping It from Pulling down.
My foreskin doesn’t Pull back all the way - Men's Health Forum
My foreskin doesn’t Pull back all the way

So how far can you actually pull it back?
Does it uncover the whole head of your penis?
It may be normal but difficult to tell, especially at a young age.
I had the same issue as you. I found this website that helps with people with tight foreskin and sells products to help with stretching. After 6 months I of stretching I was finally able to pull my foreskin back while erect however I ran into a problem. My frenulum was too short and I was unsuccessful in stretching it. I recently decided to get circumcised and remove my frenulum, no regrets.
Hey how you got succeed from that's problem.... Please help us from that situation
youtube.com/watch?v=zzUDr0X... this is a NSFW video. I used this for 1 year. Moved up a size every 2-3 weeks, also had rest/healing periods. after 6 months I was able to retract flaccid, by the end of the year I can retract while erect. Even after doing all this I still decided to get circumcised and I don't regret it.
Not entirely unusual at your age. Try stretching, providing you can keep it clean and you not in pain give it a year or two.
Yeah, it's called phimosis. At your age you can still try stretching the foreskin and if you're lucky you'll succeed where I failed. Succes!
Hi matey it sounds like phimosis. I would have a chat with your dad and a Doctor. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about and is very common. Your parents need to be made aware of it as it can lead to you needing surgery to correct it. Phimocure is an excellent product for this kind of condition and although it is aimed at adults the smaller sizes will fit you. It’s designed for tight foreskin and gently stretches your foreskin over a period of time. My 11 year old nephew uses it and it’s working for him. At 14 you are still very young and you are still in your puberty years. For that reason time is on your side. Your dad and doctor should be able to help you.
Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the head of the penis (glans). Phimosis is normal in babies and toddlers, but in older children it may be the result of a skin condition that has caused scarring. It isn't usually a problem unless it causes symptoms.