Hi I’m 15 years old and for the longest time I’ve been looking up these questions like why is my skin from the rest of my penis connecting to the head of my penis. I don’t know whether I’m circumcised or uncircumcised. I’m not sure if it is phismosis either and I’m a little shy to ask my doctor. I been stretching it as well. When I pee my tip is crooked to the side because of this extra skin pulling it back which makes it not straight. I need some advice.
My skin connects to the head - Men's Health Forum
My skin connects to the head

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It’s hard to say from the little picture but it doesn’t look like phimosis as your glans looks uncovered. The little skin tag does need looking at however, and I think you should see your local doctor for further advice on how to have this treated.
Its penile adhesion, your skin connected to your penis glans and will have to be corrected. Go see your doctor for removal (disconnection). Have you been circumcised as a baby? That is the most likely scenario for adhesions as many times in infant circumcisions doctors don't use stitches and the parents need to keep check whether the foreskin is pulled back enough. if it is not, it may form said adhesion what you have but it can be corrected and should as soon as possible as it may cause problems.
It appears to be a skin bridge, a common complication of circumcision. Most likely it would require minor surgery to remove it.
Plastic Surgery required
I had this same problem and I was able too gently each day try to pull it off and after about a week it came off and healed Ina few days