Hi I’m 24 years old. I have been circumcised 12 years ago but it’s not until now that I realize that I’m not satisfied with how my penis looks like aestethically. When flaccid it looks like my frenulum is too low hanging and I honestly think that there’s excessive skin under the head of my penis and it really looks obvious even when erect. When I was circumcised that part of my foreskin was inflamed and after healing it has always been there somewhat looking weird since I like my penis to look somehow skintight when erect.
I honestly want to have it redone cos of self-esteem issues. But I don’t think I can open this up to my parents and it would really bother me if anyone who knows me will know that I want to undergo circumcision revision. Not to mention that I don’t have the guts to tackle this matter with a surgeon or urologist either.
Just a few points, is there such thing as circumcision revision? Will the sensation of my penis get affected after the outcome?
For the ones who have undergone this, should I do it? I’ve been dreaming of doing it so I guess I just really wanna do it.
Replies are greatly appreciated.