Hi I am a 60 yr old adult male who is 12 days post Circumcision (26/1/17)
Now here is my dilemma
I was circumcised on medical grounds after yeast infections led to Balanitis and Paraphomosis all resulting in a very tight scared Foreskin
I went into Surgery expecting to come out with a full Circumcision when in fact the Urologist has done what would be considered a low/loose cut
I have had a infection at 7 days resulting in the cut not closing properly and having to go back to hospital as a surgical emergency was told nothing could be done until the infection had been dealt with and put on anti-biotic Tablets
My problem lies with the cut itself I still have enough shaft skin left to mostly cover the gland so feel that the yeast can still harbour in there
I will add at this stage I am Type 2 Diabetic tablet Controlled hence the yeast problem
The Urologist had a second Doc with him who also helped and I was listening to the conversation to the point that at one stage I said 'He's not practicing on me is he' to be told not to worry I am stepping in when needed I ask myself could this be the cause of my infection and the fact that I have had one only 7 days post Circ only go's to strengthen my fears that what has been done will not solve my problem in which case do I have to insist on it being done again
So the Question for you all on here is
Has anyone else had similar problems with the way they had been cut
Am I worrying to much this early on about the results
Any replies advice would be greatly appreciated