Cause: Escort Protected vaginal Sex & Unprotected Oral (Received on penis and anal) w/ symptoms. I am a male.
Symptoms: Constant Pain around penis head maybe urethra. Rarely pain in right testicle. Dry red and wrinkly penis head. Urge to urinate and frequent urination earlier on but not as bad anymore. Sometimes feel like urine retention and little would leak out after urinating.
It's been 9 weeks now since symptoms started and since encounter.
Tested negative for HIV at 3, 6, and 8 weeks. Gon and chlam negative. 6 week swab test negative. 6 week syphilis negative. 6 week blood herpes negative. Blood work at 8 weeks normal.
Been prescribed ketoconazole for male yeast infection. Seems to be helping a bit but symptoms persist at night.
Symptoms seem to be more mild after shower or sleeping?
These symptoms seem to be to real for it to be anxiety as one of my doctor's suggested.
What can be the cause here?
Could this be genital herpes?
I have hsv1 from youth, could contracting hsv2 after already having hsv1 delay an outbreak?
Should I rule out HIV at this point?
My urologist appointment is still far out and I'm worried. Someone help.