How exactly do I clean the penis after circumcision? Like step by step of cleaning it
Circumcision : How exactly do I clean the... - Men's Health Forum

Keep Clean with a Mild soap rinse well please keep it Dry (heal's better)

How will I keep it clean? Like just put it in salt water and not touch it or?
Salt water will help to heal it , After cleaning dry well , if you can keep wound dry as possible helps the healing quicker

I’ve been putting a cream on it I received from the doctor it’s the brand Leo, should I keep putting it on or not?
Has the cream done the job it was for ? pain if so put nothing else on your penis like i say try and keep dry
Let it be dry . Clean normally. Like masturbating with soap water.
I would place mine into a bowl of salt water for about 10 minutes when it was still very sensitive. Gently dabbed at the wounds with a flannel to remove any dried blood etc. Don't go too hard as you may knock the scabs off!
I'm at day 17 now and can just about let some water from my shower indirectly flow over the glans and wound.
The most important part is drying! You have to keep the incision dry for it to heal and prevent infection from moisture. PAT GENTLY with a soft towel
I'm on day 12 and since day 4 I've been washing it in the shower.
I guess everyones doctor gives other advise. I was allowed to shower 24h after the surgery and it was actually quite nice.