Ihave recently become sexually active, and while having sex with my partner i tore my frenulum, we proceded having sex nd alsi 2x again in the morning i knew i was sore but i pushed through it. I have given my self 7 days rest with no sexual activity. Before my foreskin wouldnt pull back in full erection now it does but it feels very tight around the part under the gland/head and the foreskin wont move freely in full ercetion. While having sex yesterday after 7day rest i notice the tightness and the slight disconfort was masking the pleasure so i had a prolonged session in which my partner felt she was doing something wrong as i wouldnt achive climax. I removed the condom while we switched positions ( nd yes we tryed many) and got climax after 5 to ten mins after. Its seems the tightness is causing my to be less sensitive nd my partner was not happy about how long is was going for. My question is: will my forskin get wider so it wont be so tight or do i have to see a GP?
Bear in mind im quite new to sex nd before this lady in my life i had sex once.
Thus could be impactufull in a new relationship so i need to grt this sorted ty in advance for any responses.