Hello everyone
I have seen some decent info online but thought I should specifically explain my own situation.
I am 20 years old and have lived with a mild form of phimosis my entire life. I don't have any skin/penis condition's and I believe my phimosis is due to the fact I never retracted when I was a little boy. Despite my mum urging me to do so, I never did as I was afraid of it for some reason. I actually grew up believing that my penis looked 'normal' until I watched my first porn video and had seen other penises, even then I didn't do anything about it for a long time.
But I soon decided i should really do something about it and take action. I have been stretching slowly but surely for a while now and have seen a very noticeable difference. However the reason for my post is because I am at a crucial stage.
When flaccid, i can fling my foreskin back and forth to the halfway point with ease. I can pull it back right up to the rim of the glans without any pain at all. When erect, I can retract to the halfway point and beyond that it becomes painful. The point is, I want so desperately to expose a flaccid glans but I'm worried about paraphimosis and want to avoid it at all cost's if possible. Do I go for it? Keep stretching a little more? Any safety precautions to take before I go for it?
Also, I noticed recently that my frenulum sort of sits at an angle to the left over the glans a little bit and have to twist my foreskin slightly and then retract. I am left handed in most things I do including masturbastion so I assume my frenulum has been stretched across over time with my unusual left handed masturbation technique (due to phimosis), which seems a pretty easy fix to me? My main concern is the phimosis itself so any tips, guides and info will be hugely appreciated!
Thanks for taking the time to read