hey im nearly nineteen and i have a tight foreskin with lube i can get the head out slowly and a little pain. I'm getting worried and have no idea what to do i don't want to see a doctor. any help?
tight foreskin: hey im nearly nineteen... - Men's Health Forum
tight foreskin

Sorry you must seek help from a doctor otherwise this condition could get worse and being so young it can be a burden to you .
Totally agree with Magdalena75's reply. I have a similar problem and have booked an appointment with my Doctor. Don't be shy or worried.
Buy a tube of steroid hydrocortisone cr. used one or twice daily, this should help the foreskin to stretch and will hopefully save you from surgery.
If things aren't improving over a month or so then is s trip to the doctors.
Hi, I agree with Goldfish. Cream and stretching exercises may help.
Unless you are having any other symptoms I do not think you have to much to worry about.
If it persists or you have any other concerns, yes, see your Doc.
I'm Nick from Italy. At 19 your foreskin should be so large that your glans could be uncovered easily. My advice is not to lose time. Go to your doctor or better an andrologist. He would advise what to do: exercises, creams, or surgery. There are now alternative surgery which can avoid full circumcision. Do you want to stay with your problem? Are you afraid of circucision? A circumcised penis is more functional than a phimotic one. And you probably don't need full circumcision since your foreskin is nearly large enough! Many many men have suffered from phimosis. Some of them need minor surgery and less need full circumcision. Be courageous. Face the problem with a specialist and you will be more relaxed.

On the Men's Health Forum, there's information on phimosis here:
and circumcision here:
But as other contributors have said, there is a lot you can do short of surgery. So have a read.
Thebob281. I can help you out. I kno what your going through. You can msg me back on he te or at my email MikeSaldana90@yahoo.com your not alone bro.