Hi guys, I'm currently 12 days post procedure. Seems to be healing pretty well but have a question re erections. Did anyone else get the sensation that the erection was being 'held back' and not fully extending (if that's the right way to explain it!) Please excuse me if I haven't explained this correctly. Appreciate your help.
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Circumcision Recovery

No that's how I felt too. Everything tends to be very tight and you can't achieve a full erection especially if you still have stitches. It will improve however
I had the same problem, it takes a while for everything to settle.
Just a bit more than 7 weeks post procedure for me and initially erections were very tight and uncomfortable, if not downright painful. It eased once the stitches started to melt. Still a bit tight now, but many times better.
The swelling has gone down considerably but I still have a donut of inner foreskin between the scar and glans when flaccid, that is stretched out when erect.
Apparently it can take a while to settle down fully.
Hope things continue to go well for your recovery.
I had the same issue and lost an inch of length. This has now returned to normal and my doctor advised lots of masturbation to aid full length recovery when I mentioned the issue at a post op appointment. Hope this helps you.
Thank you. The loss of length was a concern but glad to hear it should come back. I'm hoping due to lifelong phimosis before the procedure it'll mean more length if anything! Thanks for your reply
It did for me... lifelong phimosis for 40 years, I'm slightly longer and much thicker now. My wife's eyes definitely go wider than before.
This is great to hear! If you don't mind me asking, did it take a long while to achieve that newer, longer erection?
I'd say by around 2-3 months healed (that so-called magic 12-week mark) my erections were back to feeling strong. And then over the next 4 weeks my glands flared out at the rim and my boners got bigger. This operation's healing process is all about time and patience.
Thank you for your help, again! Really appreciate it. I think from my perspective it's checking if these things are 'normal' really. The lesser length was alarming at first!
Hey don't mention it, that's what this forum and all us guys who've been through it are here for. Aside from a few exceptions, you'll find most guys who've had the op experienced everything you have, are and will experience. Don't hesitate to DM me if you have any questions or worries, but always go to a doc for anything clearly medical.
Yes, 100% at the early stages. Once the stitches fall out, you heal more and swelling decreases you'll get the strong erections back. It takes time, but it will come back to you. And... once you start sleeping through the night again, you'll find libido improves as well.