As you can see the healing is going much better than last week. Had a scarring on my glands because i fell off playing volleyball. Immediatelt went to the doctor after that but i just scratched the glans. My frenulum seems ok and sensitivity is going down rapidly at my glans. Only a little scab left and no pain or Swelling at all. What do you think? Did the doctor do it correctly? ftenulum was removed due to my personal preferences.
Circumcision recovery day 31. - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision recovery day 31.

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Looks red and raw now but in a couple of weeks will be different. Otherwise looks tidy
I think your penis looks really good.
A great looking circumcision that just needs some time to heal.
In your picture there is a white area of the skin and I am 24 days in after partial circumcision where I have got 3 to 4 spots where it’s like white / raw and when not erect the skin rolls a bit covering part of glans so the incision is like tucked in
Plus my Incision feels like it’s fat at the end of the cut
Question to all: How long would it take for those white marks to go and my incision looks thick at the end of foreskin so will this reduce and get thinner?
Any reason why its so red?
Also, have you seen your doctor recently? Curious what was his feedback