Apologies in advance if this doesn’t belong here I’m new to the forum but I had unprotected sex about a week ago with my GF who is clean and the next morning I woke up with little red bumps all over pubes and they were burning and itchy. Over the course of this past week the burning has stopped but the red bumps are still there and very itchy. This has never happened before. Any ideas what this could be? Thank you for your time.
Itchy red bumps: Apologies in advance... - Men's Health Foru...
Itchy red bumps

It would be as well for you to get checked out. I am surprised you have waited.
I agree with the others. You should be evaluated, Good luck.
Could just be jock itch no biggie
It could be but may not be - hence the visit to a doctor or sexual health clinic.
Hi Carter! I also got those red itchy bumps, dont know how i got them, but i think its has to do with some kind of std. i got the bumps after my penis suffered an infection, went to a doctor and he told me that it was a type of std. i had only 1 partner for almost 2 years, and was scared to know that, he treated me with a non-surgical laser surgery, removed the small lumps i had, then i asked my gf to get checked, she is clean, so my consern then was not knowing where or how i got them. After like 1 month, they reappeared, alongside the red itchy bumps, went to aee another docto, he also told me that it was std and that i needed a corcumcision and laser surgery to permanently remove them. I got my blood tested, the doctor checked me and didnt say anything about the bumps, i did mention it but it didnt seem related. The intense itch has stopped after like 2-3weeks, then just itches sometimes. Its starting to dissapear but at a very slow rate. Hope you are doing well and please see a doctor and see if its related to some penile infection. Take care man