I got circumcised 3 months ago. The wound took much longer to heal than expected, but it's going ok and I'm massaging daily with Bio Oil. There are some lumps and bumps around the scar that bother me and pinching/tightness on the left side when erect. I've spoken to my surgeon and he said it looks fine (his bias and standard response to any concern), and he said the nodulation (his term) and tightness should resolve in 6-12 months. I know patience may be rewarded, but it is causing me distress and anxiety. A good cosmetic outcome is important for me. Has anyone else had this issue and experienced the lumps and bumps resolving without additional surgery or laser treatment for scars?
My scrotum was also tight and pulled up the shaft (the right ball was moving up into my groin multiple times throughout the day, uncomfortable and annoying). So I started ball stretching at week 8, which has made a significant difference. Balls are now hanging similar to how they were before the surgery. I started with a 1-inch silicone stretcher and moved to 2 inches after a few weeks - using Rosehip Oil to promote skin elasticity. I'm still stretching daily (the stretcher sits around my balls while I'm chilling out at home or watching TV) until I'm happy with the hang/outcome. If I'm honest, the stretching has been quite pleasurable!
Any advice on the lumps and bumps around the scar would be appreciated.