I recently got this little light skin colored bumps all over my penis. It’s not blistering or clustered so I don’t think it’s herpes but I have no idea what it is and am wondering if anybody might have an idea. I’ll attach pictures below
little light bumps all over penis. He... - Men's Health Foru...
little light bumps all over penis. Help please

They could be fordyce spots which are harmless. Look at them online and see if they match yours. But maybe you should take a trip to your doc to get checked out especially if you are worried about them
Probably harmless as mentioned. Don't see photos but unless they itch or are growing it's probably fine.
Hi Unknown12378,
They sound like something simple such as Pearly penis papules or PPP in the medical terms and is perfectly normal as long as there is no history of unprotected intercourse or any other symptoms, however if you want to stop this worrying or anxiety or even just peace of mind google your nearest GUM clinic, many of them are just walk in centres, but check their website first as everything keeps changing these days. Hope this help and good luck