Does circumcision affect size of penis??
Size of penis post circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
Size of penis post circumcision

There is an obvious reduction of length if the foreskin overhang is included (which it shouldn't be). However there is normally no reduction in the real length of your penis after circumcision - why should there be?
Whilst you still have significant swelling, it can appear that your penis is shorter than it used to be. Often that is simply an optical illusion, but to accommodate the extra diameter for the swelling, some length may be temporarily sacrificed. The natural length will re-appear once all the swelling and healing is complete (usually 6-8 weeks).
Techincally there's no reduction in length although it may appear like so . The small albeit negligent difference may just be due to the additional foreskin that was removed . Also many people have swelling that masks the length which later disappears. I totally agree with roddythescot . Like he said after 6-8 weeks , even the skin at the incision site gets looser and more flexible allowing your penis to get back the "length" you might have lost . Cheers !
I have been worrying about the same thing... I'm 18 days post circumcision and my size seems to have reduced a lot in terms of length. My scrotum skin has moved up towards the glands and closer to the glands than it used to be before operation. Now the scrotum skin is too much looking like the that red thing beneath a cock's (chicken) neck, I don't know what that is called, but looks exactly like the one beneath a duck's neck. I'm very worried about my length, I had a very good looking and fair length dick now all that is gone😭
My frenulum is now shorter than it used to be and this makes erections very tight. I'm worried gents
Thanks for the reply... But eii I don't think I'll ever be ready for another surgical operation on my body. I'm enough with healing form circumcision 🤣
I never had webbing but got it from my surgery and now am looking to fix it as it's really annoying and it makes you look smaller. Sigh if I could only go back in time...
Day 8, and I feed my glans is bigger. I am a grower, my glans used to be small when relaxed. Don’t know if it is because I am still sweeping.
Yes if too tight cut