I'm struggling with the menopause. I had a total hysterectomy almost a year ago after Ovarian and Endometrial cancer. I had been taking HRT for six months but had to immediately come off it and now of course have no hormones at all to speak of.
I feel bereft, anxious, utterly exhausted all of the time and brain fogged. I am practically house bound and my relationships with friends, family and boyfriend are all suffering one way or another, and I am now pretty much a recluse. Though if I ran into you on the street I'd put a brave face on and crack a joke.
I find a certain brand of Ashwagandha helps me with the anxiety. I've started on a combined Vit B spray, Matcha tea, Siberian ginseng all for energy and fish oil and lions mane for brain fog, magnesium for sleep, I can barely afford all this but I have no quality of life so I am willing to try anything.
Has anyone had testosterone for energy and if so did it help you? I've been told I can have it but I have a few other health conditions to clear up first.
Thank you