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Meningitis Now

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All posts for November 2017

Advice on Dad with bacterial meningitis

My dad has been in ITU for 9 days now with septicaemia and peunomia from a chest...
Loowest84 profile image

Meningitis can kill you?

my father has been in the hospital for 17 days, he was meningitis bacterial, but...
Kattymilena profile image

Viral meningitis

Hi I went in to hospital on Friday with a severe headache neck stiffness and vom...
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bacterial meningitis and csf leaks question

I was diagnosed with Bacterial Meningitis when I was almost 2 years old. I have ...

Husband suffering from SEVERE headaches one week after diagnosis of Meningitus

My husband was hospitalized a week ago for Meningitis and treated for Bacterial ...
ashleyryan8 profile image

3 month relapse

3 months post VM and I was off medicationa nd ‘well’ for a few weeks. Started th...
Amw41 profile image

Second Bacterial Meningitis Septicaemia - Advice needed

Dear all, I am hoping you can help advise me on the best way to help my mum. M...
SHS7 profile image


I stumbled across site today. I contracted Bacterial Meningitis back in 1993 (n...

Recent diagnosis of VM

Hello and thanks for the add! I am Tracey 38 and from Scotland. I am just at t...
Mrspegg profile image

VM - An elevator of pain?

I am just curious, does anyone else that has suffered from Viral Meningitis feel...
Faith8990 profile image

just got diagnosed again with VM after 3 years

Hello everyone, as for most people finding this site has been a huge relief for...
giuseppe1986 profile image

Cranial osteopathy making my headaches worse

HI im 12 months post VM but have had a recent relapse 6 weeks ago. Someone recom...
Tonixshack profile image


I had meningococcal Septicaemia 3 years ago and I have never felt right . I r...
1251 profile image

All symptoms point to Meningitis but tests say otherwise

I took my husband to the hospital today after he quickly was getting sick and fe...
Eschwam profile image

ct scan results

Hi, my wife is in hospital due to bacterial manengitis and we just completed a c...
Nzori profile image

Head pain

Silly question. Does anyone get headpain for just being outside with VM. My head...
Mashall89 profile image


Hi I have a question about tb meningitis. My niece 13 yewrs of age has it and sh...

suffering from bacterial meningitis husband just discharged from hospital two weeks ago due to bacterial men...
ferdimarj profile image

Ear pain

Does anyone have ear problems with VM. I️ feel like it is setting in my ears. Th...
Mashall89 profile image

Severe Neck Pain after VM

I was wondering if anyone has any insight on neck pain after Viral Meningitis. B...
Faith8990 profile image

It's a year. Get over it.

Why does everyone proceed to say that I used to be fun? Why won't you drink are ...
Innis profile image

Run 2

I have completed run 2 and actually ran this time. onto run 3 Friday.
davidius profile image

10 weeks VM and was doing well but....

10 weeks post VM. Have been on holidays. Feeling good. Then woke to a day of hea...
Amw41 profile image

First run

I have had to reset the app and start my couch to 5k again. I've just done my se...

I have viral meningitis. Please help

Hi everyone, About 6 weeks starting getting headaches ( I suffer from cluster h...
Mashall89 profile image

Fever of unknown origin leads to coma

Hey Please help My name is Shifa, I am an emergency doctor My mom is critically ...
DrshifaAhmed profile image

Advice Please

Hi my name is Jackie 6 months ago i got bacterial (pneumococcal) meningitis at h...

Any Advice

Hi my name is Jackie 6 months ago i got bacterial (pneumococcal) meningitis at h...


Hi. I am 45 and got meningitis and encephalitis last May. I was in hospital for...
Joconn profile image

Tubercular meningitis

I am from India. My brother is suffering from Tubercular Meningitis.doctors sai...