I had meningococcal Septicaemia 3 years ago and I have never felt right . I really struggled to keep up for the first 2 years then over the last year I have hardly been able to do anything with debilitating headaches severe tiredness .iI was always on the go I was a multi tasker. Love My life is a hell and if it wasn’t for my husband I would hate to say what would happen to me. Has anyone else experienced this after meningitis and got any answers I would really like to know thank you 1251
Meningitis : I had meningococcal... - Meningitis Now

It’s been 2 months and a 1 year since my life changed due to Bacterial Meningitis. Looking back to that time, I would never have thought I would be having health issues from it still. The headaches are the worst and aren’t migraines or even close to any headache I’ve ever had prior to the Meningitis. It feels like a sharp pain goes from the right side of my head to the middle then the left to the middle. Along with the headaches, I have sweats & balance issues. My vision now has been affected recently and the doctors don’t know if it will improve or worsen. I go to a Neuro- Ophthalmologist as my most recent dr. I have a MRI this upcoming week. Has ANYONE ELSE had this weird type headache and vision issue? Please share. As mentioned previously, my world is different and I’ve changed but I’m still doing as much as I can daily and refuse to give up. If I survived the hospital stay and that pain, etc. I will not stop fighting for my life. I have 2 toddler granddaughters that spend time with me almost every day. My 2 little dogs and those babies keep me motivated!
I am 1 year and 5 months on. I have issues not with sight but digestion. The antibiotics that saved my life destroyed the good bacteria in my stomach and l go from day to day with differing levels of pain. I get headaches that set me into a not with it state also.
However l am though l think l am lucky to be here and so l get on with life and enjoy all that l can. It makes me look at things very different and the pain l suffer now is tollerable in comparison to the alternatives it could have been.
Best wishes on your recovery and l hope you find a way to resolve what you are going though.
Thank you for your reply I hope you find a way as I am hoping to get better to start living again best of luck
Thank you. It helps knowing that I’m not alone with the after affects of this illness. I agree we are lucky to still be here.
Hello. So sorry to hear of your ongoing suffering.
My 28 year old daughter has a story on this site, Rosie S' Story, you can find the link on the blog stories from the home page. Although she had the viral strain of meningitis, you never know that this may help you also.
We found that cranial massage worked wonders for her after suffering, as you are for almost 2 years post VM. Her job is working with horses on pretty much a daily basis and is very physically demanding.
It is rare for a post to be so positive and we have tried to let people know that this amazing complementary therapy worked for her. It helps release the spinal fluid which VM leaves a blockage for. Rosie is pretty much cured after around 10 sessions coupled with actupuncture, although found awesome relief after only one appointment. She is now free of all pain killers and antidepressants and feels right back to her old self.
We can only let you know what worked for her. It's not for all, but has now given amazing relief for many. It seems the success could be to do with the skill of the cranial osteopath you use. So it may be it's worth finding out the osteopaths credentials and experience in this specialised field.
Kind wishes and best of luck
Hi i have the same ...back to work etc but part time. I get alot of anxiety symptoms ..do you find that? Also some slight tingling etc which they say is anxiety ...its on and off really ..some days good and some not ..its rubbish isnt it