Hi I went in to hospital on Friday with a severe headache neck stiffness and vomiting it turned out that I had VM after lumbar puncture results... and i only got home from hospital yesterday (tuesday) I am in pain with my back and cannot not stand for long periods of time...my question is do you think I'll be ready to go back work on Monday I am a full time nursery nurse doing 10 hour shifts thanks
Viral meningitis : Hi I went in to hospital... - Meningitis Now
Viral meningitis

You really need to take a few weeks off. Your CNS has been powerfully abused, and it is going to take a very long time, if ever, to fully recover. I am six months post VM (May 14, 2017). I was out for three weeks with PIC line. Today, I am having increasing issues with photo sensitivity, cognitive ability, and just general fatigue. I cannot take more than an hour or so on my computer without getting headaches. I also have SFPN and VM did not help that in the least. I have constant neck and back pain unlike I've ever had, like a fire swirling about in my spine from my neck to my lumbar. My nerve fibers are hypersensitive due to both VM and SFPN, so it is extremely hard to find a comfortable position for my arthritis and degenerative disc condition going on in my C3-7 region either.
So, really, start slow. Ten hours on your feet this soon, you will totally regret doing that. Take a few weeks off to recover. Take care.
No far to soon especially with your back pain, having a lumbar puncture itself is painful you need to give your body time to recover, Some people it varies and they can go back to work quickly but I agree with the previous post if you don’t rest enough now you’ll make your recovery take longer and end up back at square one, it’s frustrating to not be able to get back to normal but you need to understand the effects it’s has on your body and rest sleep and eat well till you feel up-to it, this time of year meningitis is rife and thrives the most November and in may time it’s circulates very much like a cold and starts in your nose and only takes hold if your run down, most people can have meningitis and only have the sniffles because the body can fight it off, just make sure you take it easy and rest 💖 xx
Absolutely not. You will have to talk to your doctor and get a sick cert. this is going to be a long road with recovery. You must rest as much as possible. Please give your self a chance as you could relapse. I got VM in May and am still not better.
Look after your self.
Hi love, sorry to hear. This is far too soon for you to even consider going back to work. VM knocks you for six. After a while (and I don't know how long, but when things have settled)...you may consider cranial massage. My 28 year old daughter was suffering post VM for near on two years and this was the only thing that worked for her. We're so pleased to say that she has now bounced back to her normal self. Rosie S's Story is on the forum pages on Meningitis Now. It seems that VM caused the spinal fluid to cease flowing properly, it causes a blockage. Cranial massage can release this and helps tremendously. For the moment though this is far too soon for you, sorry to say. There is hope though, so don't feel too disheartened. For now get plenty of rest.
Absolutely not! Your physician should have advised you of this. I’ve had VM twice due to the fact that I returned to work way to soon. I’ve retired early , because of lingering symptoms. Lots of rest, healthy diet, mild exercise & B12. At least 3 months & then then re-evaluate how you feel. This is a slow process, give your body & mind time to heal! 🙏
VM symptoms and recovery are very individual, I can tell you my husbands story: My husband had VM and spent a week in the hospital, went back the next week to teach. He is 60 yrs old and was very tired by the end of the day. It was all about; get up go to work, come home sit on the couch until dinner then to bed. This lasted for a couple of weeks, then slowly into normalcy. That was in Sept. Now in Nov he is normal. I begged him to stay at home another week, but he just would not, and things turned out OK. I think 10 hr days, and what I envision to be high paced, on.your.feet bending/stooping, critical thinking of your position is too much to ask at once. Take another week off I say. Or at least consider shorter days, listen to your body and be, oh so, very kind to yourself. My very best to you!!
Well first, you have come to the right place. This site is full of info about VM that your doctors are not going to probably know or tell you about. I am in the US and came down with it in august. Not only was i pushed away for a week bc they said i was having a “bad migraine” but they did my spinal tap a month later. Also telling me well the virus only lasts a week so you should be fine. Most of them being rude and acting like i was making it up or seeking drugs. It is now december and i had a painful episode just this week. It will hit me one day and my whole body will hurt and the next day i am exhausted. Personally, i do not see there being anyway for you to go back to your job for a while. Not standing on your feet like that. They told me after my spinal tap i would be mobile 48 hours later. I still couldnt move around well 6 days after. The other poster is correct that it does effect everyone differently as far as length and severeness. But one thing is most important, do NOT push yourself or you are going to make things worse! You need rest! As a nurse you probably understand how this virus has effected your body. It has to recover. My tips in recovery: heating pads, ice packs, i have tens units which use electro stimulation for massage - life savers. I have also seen people talk about supplements and magnesium seems to be a big winner. I have found that glucosamine w chonditrin helps me alot. Best wishes to you and take time to take care of yourself! Let us know about your progress!
Your situation is so similar to mine in so many ways.
I am a nursery teacher and found myself feeling quite unwell on 15-11-17 at work. I had to be honest been sick so I went home.
Next day and through the night my head was like 2 boxers having a fight and I had aches all in my body and couldn't move my head etc and couldn't tolerate light. I just put it down to having flu to be honest but because of the head I went to Dr as I am on medication to prevent headaches due to an illness 3 years ago.
Dr said to increase my medication and should be fine in a couple of days.
I did as was told and did nothing really but sleep. I did feel abit better on the Friday but boy Saturday night I have never felt so ill in my life.
Phoned 111 and they told husband to take me straight to A and E and if I was to deteriorate further on the way to phone 999.
Treated me as they do in these cases for bacterial meningitis as precautionary but after the ct scan and lumbar puncture results showed positive for viral meningitis and not bacterial but I had got an infection somewhere, the Dr thought most likely in my sinuses as my Chest, throat , ears were all clear.
I was discharged on the Tuesday with medication for the infection ( mix up with them I have to say as allergy to penicillin) and told by the hospital to rest and drink lots for the VM and would be looking at 7- 10 days.
My Dr originally gave me a note till 27th after receiving my discharge notes. And I have to say it took me a good week to enable to move after the lumbar puncture without pain as it took 2 hrs of constant stabbing to get the spinal fluid.
I went back and she signed me off again for another week and have to go back to see her before she will consider me going back to work as when I said they told me 7-10 days her response was a normal virus can take this and VM is abit more 'va va boom' as she put it.
Currently I have next to no energy. My appetite is none existent. My head is still pounding and I can tolerate lights more and I can now move my head without swearing every word in my head.
I just feel like my get up and go has left the building.
I am determined to get back to work before the Christmas holiday as I miss my 'rugrats' I know work will be supportive as I am ill and it's beyond my control. Like the Dr said you just need to recover and rest.
I have to do it at my body's pace. I wish I could take a tablet and wow feel better, but like with any virus it's not going to happen. It infuriates me and I have cried a few times but it' not going to change anything. I also don' want to go into an environment where I can catch something and make myself ill again.
Taking a step back just over a week ago I was in hospital with drips in, attached to monitors. So I have alot to be thankful for.
Take time and recover. Your health is important.
You will find that any activity will make you very tired to exhausted. I would take it easy. If you are in US get FMLA to cover the days that you can't find the energy to work a 10 hr shift!
Hi! I had VM 5 months ago and I am also a nursery nurse, I had a lumbar puncture to and my back was in pain for days afterwards! I went into hospital on the Wednesday and came out on the Monday after, I had Just under 3 weeks off work to recover and rebuild my strength. I would say you really need to take some more tome off and make your health your priority. I struggled allowing myself all that time off but I really did need it! 5 months of on I still have my hard days. I hope your feeling back to yourself soon❤️
I had VM at the end of August 2017 and I completely underestimated how much it would effect me going back to work. I work in a primary school so similar to yourself. Unfortunately I didn’t listen and went back to work. I lasted four weeks. By that point I was on my knees and my body began to literally shut down. I was my own worst enemy and because I thought I’d be okay I worked until I couldn’t work anymore. I’ve been of sick ever since largely due to the extra damage I had done to myself.
Meningitis kills it is not like having the flu. Get signed off work and listen to the health professionals.
In sept, I had pneumonia , leptospirosis , and v/m. Granted a few more things to the list, but I Was flat on my back for 4months. 5th month moving about but not well. I would think minimal 2 months off to recover from v/m without further complications . It is a blast on your nervous system and it needs time to mend. The hospital gave me no prognosis at all.walking papers and good to go. No directions what so ever. If u r expected to take care of others, best u take care of yourself first. Don’t push it please.