These past couple weeks have been especially sad and empty. I really don’t feel worthy of respect, love or empathy. I don’t deserve compassion or kindness from others. I am bitter and resentful and angry with myself. I’ve made mistakes that I cannot come back from. I am so embarrassed and humiliated and ashamed of my past choices. I can’t stand to look at myself. I don’t like being awake. I hate myself and other people. I can’t go out in public without people snarking or giggling at me. I don’t have anyone I can go to for emotional support. I really don’t feel like I’m worth anything. I don’t have a job. I don’t have a partner. I don’t have kids. My family doesn’t talk to me and does not want to be around me. I genuinely think their lives would be better if I wasn’t around. I am the biggest burden to myself and everyone I know.
extreme sadness : These past couple... - Major Depressive ...
extreme sadness

Oh please don't feel that way. God made you in his image. we all go through some very rough times. I am still battling with anxiety. But what helps me is looking up and reading Gods word. I don't know if you are a believer but God has something in store for you. It is so hard to be patient and wait. He works on his own time but all for the good to come out. Yes I'm still waiting. But know you are so loved by him. We have all made many mistakes in our lives. But he doesn't count them. So keep your head up. Love and Prayers For You
yes I am a believer. I think I just have so many questions about why things happen and not having my father here has made it very difficult to understand that people don’t have a reason to hurt other people. They are just doing whatever desires are in their own heart and also are just very selfish. I am still learning how to forgive in a way that is also safe for myself. We are taught that forgiveness is the only way to be saved when healing hasn’t even happened. I am a huge believer in that healing needs to happen first before forgiveness is possible. Healing comes from God in his time and I think it’s important to put in the work for myself so that I can be a testimony to others. The most important thing I’ve done is limiting my social media to only positivity and support. Anything that does not recognize my trauma or minimizes it, It gets removed. I purposely do not go on social media because of other people who are unhealed in their own trauma.
I’m so sorry that you are experiencing these things and that you have these thoughts. You are valuable, and you are like everyone else. Every person is inherently valuable and worthy of joy and happiness and good treatment, you included. We all make mistakes too, and have regrets. But, the sadness and depression around these things is awful. So painful. It’s good that you have reached out here. This is a site where people are full of pain. I don’t know what to say exactly, as I’m in the depths of severe depression myself, but I wanted to validate you and encourage you to accept your worthiness and value. Sending you strength!
Hey💙💙I remember feeling this way around the same age as you when I just lost everything. I also betrayed a lot of people and even lost lifelong friendships. I wanted to end my life at one point but God got me thru it when I went to him in prayer each day. 🥺I’m four years in the future, and I promise you life is not done.
Your past cannot define you, and you have so much self awareness already that you’re on here talking about it. Be proud of yourself for all you have overcome. Mistakes are a part of life, people can’t judge you for simply trying again. I’m not sure what mistake you made, but know you’re not alone and you have others to support you💙your mistakes are not who you are
Don’t even worry about your age or society’s expectations of you. You’re young and free girl.🙏🏽You got your whole life ahead of you to make it how YOU want on your terms! When you rebuild it, no one will recognize you because you’ll have become someone they never thought you could transform into. You’ll get to a point where you’re so changed that no one can even figure you out or judge you 💙You got this!! And it’s ok if you’re still forgiving yourself. It may take time but you will make it🥺💙