Well here I am, half falling asleep drinking my cup of coffee but now all ready and packed for London! My appointment for St. Thomas' only came through a week ago so yes at first I nearly had a heart attack when realising I had such a short space of time to get everything sorted but got there in the end and will be setting off shortly!
Little bit nervous and excited as never been to London before :/.. Got my boyfriend to help me get lost though so it won't be all bad.
Could've done without being at work yesterday really though, I'm not looking forward to getting up everyday and having to do things.. but it might be worth it all in the end. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much as the consultant might turn round and say I'm not eligible to have anything done. I don't want to go there thinking things will be getting better then them tell me they won't and be absolutely devastated But we'll have to see...
Off to catch the bus :)..