my name is Tracy and i am 30yrs old
a few weeks ago i asked my GP about lupus .he said its hard to diagnose and does not always show up on Ana and and gave the impression that blood test don't matter.as you can be diagnosed without them.
he said he would test me for a few things and i could go back if they showed nothing.
test i had
full blood count
sed rate
corrected calcium
all the test came back OK so i went back and asked to be referred to a rheumy.
same GP refused point blank saying he could not do that because i had negative Ana.i was taken a back by that and confused .i said you told me last time lupus does not always show up on blood test.
he then said it was because the other blood test had come back OK.and i don't have muscle pain every day or had any infections
i have a lot of the symptoms for lupus .all of which are on my medical records.i don't have all of them on a daily basis .i feel Ive been having flares where i get back spasm and hip pain. and hot sensation on and off in arch of foot
Ive had a toenail infection in both big toenails for 6 years which has not responded to any treatment . big toenails growing back in multi layers.other nails not effected
i said what if i go private. Ive heard there is a lupus hospital in London . GP said if you want to waste your money than go
i am at a loss in what to do next. has anyone been diagnosed with lupus without having positive blood test of the above?
don't know if to see another nhs GP or go private. but have no idea how much it would be to go private