I would like to hear some opinion from people who might went through the same thing as me because my diagnosis has been very confusing.
Back in July I had knee and wrist pain for a couple of weeks and I visited my GP, she run blood work and I was Ana positive and dsdna positive also, it was very low , range 0-9) mine was 13. She then said I had lupus and just wait for more symptoms to show up. I went a visited a rheumatologist which run the same Ana and DNA and the results were negative for both of them, then told me to just take plaquenil and go on with my life. Test were negative but we couldn't ignore the fist test.
I still had some doubts and got an appointment with another rheumatologist last week. He checked on all my blood work, ask me about any symptoms and he believes that I don't have lupus. To be honest, I don't have any other symptom than joint pain. This doctor told me it was due to I had a baby 1 year ago and maybe some overuse since I have 3 kids. I don't have any fatigue, sleep problems, hair loss, mouth ulcers... just the joint pain that lasted for like 2 months on and off back in July, He took plaquenil off and told me to just take turmeric and omega 3. He wants to test me 2 months later again to see if Ana and DNA continue negative which he tried to convince me I shouldn't be worried about it anymore.
I want to believe that I don't have lupus but at the same time I'm scared of not taking medication and getting checks up every couple of months.
Everything that I have read says that dsdna test is specific por lupus and can't be positive in a healthy person like the Ana test.
Any suggestions?