worry is consuming me,
i can only work 4hrs a week due to the exhaustion and pain (main two things) that lupus gives me.i went to CAB whom took my and my husbands income and said we would be intitled to help with the rent and council tax and to ask DWP for benifit advice.
i applied for rent and council help for the first time in my life and were told no as my husband earns £340 a wk and thats plenty to live on. i have either worked full or part time since i was 16 depending on the ages of my children. im not a scrounger neither is my hubby we have always paid our way and have been healthy until i became ill in 2005.
we dont have holidays,days out are very rare and we dont waste money. we havnt had heating for the last two winters and this winter will be the same as we cant afford to use the storage heaters. ive rynaulds and wear gloves indoors.
DWP said that because i must have at least one day a week that i feel well i shoudl work then,and said i dont qualify for anything.
my work are reluctant to give me more hours as 4hrs is like running a marathon and i make stupid mistakes and forget my words when talking to customers.......i dont know what to do, im failing as a mum, im ment to provide for my kiddies.....feel so down