Hello, here am very glad to have half working hands. I have SLE Lupus, Hughes Syndrome, Psoriatic Arthropathy, Sjogrens and Hypothyroidism. I had a trial of plaquenil, as it is clear that I need something for my failing health. I started this with optimism and some caution due to my existing conditions, especially the psoriatic arthropathy. However my teenage daughter who is very ill with Hughes Syndrome and Lupus, is doing well on this.
Alas for me a full allergic reaction, hives from head to toe, psoriarisis from head to toe, inflamed kidneys and joints and a very bad temper. I am currently out of the danger, 5 days of steroids, and although wearing only a layer of aloe vera gel and a sheet... I have turned the dangerous corner.
However before I lose the use of my hands, which always happens with flare ups. I am using my time to do something useful.
Lots of people with autoimmune disease have thyroid issues.. and there is real change across the UK and the world to improve the lot of patients: The three petitions for this, need HELP, which is in the form of SIGNATURES and PASSING ON, via EMAIL, and FORUMS or FACEBOOK for further SIGNATURES,
Please help me if you can: The first one is a world register for thyroid, a simple signatures and pass on: 1. worldthyroidregister.com/ the next one is a world petition for thyroid 2. change.org/petitions/endocr... and the next two are UK ones: 3.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/pe... and the last one is from the original Staffordshire Whistleblower who lost her career sticking up for the likes of us:
It takes seconds to sign them and pass them on, if you have a little tiny bit of energy to help - thank you. Mary F x