Hi everyone,
I just throught I would update you - after I blogged about negative comments from doctors regarding a link between diet/nutrition/lifestyle and lupus management I decided to email my research review paper to Professor Graham Hughes who, as most of you know, is a highly regarded lupus specialist (you can read about him here: londonlupuscentre.co.uk/abo...
I didn't think that Professor Hughes would reply but yesterday he emailed me and was very positive about my review paper. He also mentioned that he does feel that dietary/lifestyle factors can play a major part in lupus.
So I wanted to thank everyone here who encouraged me to continue looking into, and writing about, lupus and diet/lifestyle. I feel that the comments from Professor Hughes have given me the courage to continue (i'm not sure how I will make that happen yet but where there is a will there is a way).
Best regards
For more information about my review paper please visit my website vitalitywithin.com