Has anyone had problems getting insured since they have been diagnosed.?
Life Insurance?: Has anyone had problems getting... - LUPUS UK
Life Insurance?

I have tried an abundance of companies but have been refused every time.
i have also tried,unsuccessfully. the only thing i could do was to get critical illness cover, to help my husband cover the mortage in the invent of sudden illness like stroke, heart attack, and things like that, im glad i did as after 2 years having the critical illness cover i had a heart attack, a had a stent put into one of the archerys. nothing to do with the lupus.luckily we have no mortage now but now i cant get any cover what so ever.
I have also tried, but been told that I am uninsurable. The only life cover I could get is one of those over 50 plans that they advertise on TV.
However, if you look at the payments and what you receive in the end it is not worth it. My financial advisor said the best thing I could do is save regularly in an ISA instead.
Two years ago we moved house and tried to get life cover for me but no one would offer anything. I have also tried to get annual travel insurance and again no luck. I think that this question has been asked before and that some underwriters were recommended it might be worth you having a search through the site (sorry not sure of best way to do that). I guess that we are all different and they ask lots of questions around hospital admissions and for me it was Tia's so i think it is still worth while looking around, infact I think that maybe I should have another look at it too. Good luck

you might like to contact David Rackham on 01329 282882 or email david.rackham@templewealth.co.uk
David is a broker and has been successful in obtaining life insurance for other LUPUS UK members, so he may be able to help.
Thanks Paul , our mortgage finishes this year, so we need to start looking into what our options are. I think my partner thought things would be straight forward as I'm only a mild Lupus sufferer. But as soon as insurers read Lupus it seems to cause a red alert and shut down. Paul, I have one more question for you. Without sounding too morbid, are there many fatalities from Lupies?
Hi Janet,
I'm afraid we don't have a figure for your question. We don't have the facilities to collect such data. It would be difficult to collect due to nature of lupus anyway, since so many people with lupus have additional conditions which are alongside or caused by lupus. I believe that the majority of people with lupus live a relatively normal life expectancy providing it is controlled well with medication.
I am in the process of trying to sort out life insurance to cover a mortgage- I have been through the stage of insurers wrting to doctors, doctors replying and am at the stage of insurers wanting more information- I will tell you how I get on!. I do have travel insurance, yearly cover for me and my family through Tesco. I answered the health questions and flagged up my Lupus, intially the premium was high but as I have not had the need to claim the premiums have come down over the years.
Thank you for all your replys, will let you all know the outcome, but it won't be for a few months.xx
I recently got holiday insurance to go to Florida with insure and go and I only had to pay £11 extra for SLE if that is any help to anyone?