lupus rash, do you always have a rash with lupus,... - LUPUS UK
lupus rash, do you always have a rash with lupus, or can you be diagnosed as having lupus and not get the rashes ???
I dont know, but I was diagnosed with SLE and APS and have the Lupus Rash on my face
ive just had blood tests done, and i know that one is for Lupus, but i dont get a rash!!, does the rash allways go with lupus??, and whats are the symptoms of lupus??.I have fibromyalgia, so get quiet a lot of aches and pains, plus i have osteo-arthritis, its suddenly flared quiet bad, and its affected my hands badly, now my feet have started, so my doctors sent me for the blood test, he didnt say "lupus" to me, but i heard him talking to a nurse, and he used my name, so im a bit concerned. and my gp practice is usually very slow with getting back to you with your results, 3 months the last time i had blood tests!! i would be gratefull for any info you can give me, thank you

I was diagnosed with APS, SLE & Discoid Lupus a little over a year ago. I do not have the rash on my face but I have noticed while in a flare up I get what looks like Hives on my Torso and legs.

I was diagnosed with Lupus SLE when my liver was failing nine years ago. I've had 2 flares since always in my liver. My Rheumatologist tells me I'm the only patient that doesn't have the face rash. I'm also male and this showed up when I was 65, so nothing with me is normal! Prednisone always stops my flares so I'm kinda comfortable with them. I do have some skin issues and am very photo sensitive. It seems like sun block doesn't really have much effect. I try to stay out of the sun and wear long sleeves. I garden, but try to only go in the shade. But I get burnt in the shade and on shady days.
oh dear, what is SLE and APS ??

APS is Antiphospholipid syndrome Your body will create blood clots ( That's what my rheumatologist has said) SLE is what Lupus is called.
SLE is the medical name for lupus as its full title is systemic lupus erythematosus
you dont have to have a rash to have lupus diagnosis incially no rash but i do get them now. good luck
thank you Sue and Tatty, so what are the other symptoms, my doctors old school, does tell you much, and doesnt like you asking either!! he puts me on edge most of the time. as i said i have fibromyalgia, and i also have osteo- arthritis, and Menires Disease, plus high blood pressure, im a bit of a wreck i know!!, but i cant understand where this Lupus ideas come from!!

I don't want to be mean, you need a new Dr. If u can't talk w him/her, how can he truly help you. ? Just saying. A Dr should listen,observe,answer, and beyond all HELP.
Hi Niah. I've got sle but don't have a rash. I know people with discoid lupus get rashes though.
Sharon x
what are the symptoms though
hello niah177
it sounds to me that your doc is not sure weather you have fibro or lupus or even both as both conditions have the same type of aches and pains, but with lupus its more serious as it can effect our internal organs and needs very close monitouring with regular blood tests and urine tests for the kidneys.
the facial rash is different for everybody mine only comes with a full blown flare up.
thank for the info, ive had fibro for years now, but lately im full of pain in all my joints and ache everywhere, and no matter how i sleep, im allways tired, and ive had iron treatments a few times now, but still very anemic. The fibro was diagnosed at the hospital, by the pain clinic doctor there, not my gp, so i think they are right with that. thanks again

Yes I thought mine was acne adult acne and I happened to get sick at the same time.Before I knew it was lupus' I just knew it was something that came in patterns or phases then would go away for years even.bUt i knew it was some kind of flare up of some sort.
It's very rare I get any rashes - not the butterfly rash as always!
I have never had a rash of any sort and I have had lupus for 20 years.
i have had lupus 24 years and i have the rash on my cheeks and nose my back and chest, sometimes i look like i have been sun scorched others days it doesnt look so angry
i have the dreaded lupus rash on my face arms and legs at the moment i look like something from a horror movie sun cream is ment to help with the bright snlight but has no effect on me i do try to stay out of the sun tho x hope you get sorted soon it takes getting used to i was diagnosed in sep last year i still feel pretty crappy most days but my rhumy says it will be under control soon so i jut have to beleive him lol xx

Hi niah177,
You can read about the symptoms of lupus here -
If you'd like, I can send you one of our free information packs in the post so that you can learn a little more about lupus? Just send me a private message or email me at with your name and address.
When I was first diagnosed I was so sick they thought I would have died if they hadn't started me on prednisone right away, yet I did not have a rash. I had (and still do occasionally) a redness on my face in the lupus pattern but that's it. The better diagnostic tool was ANA and sed rate. If those are elevated then testing for anti-dsDna antibodies should take place. Hope this helps.
Y'all talking to me? Ruth (yes)
There's a theory that the coatings or fillers used in tablets can cause a rash. As Lupus patients may take several tablets then this may be more likely to occur.
When I was diagnosed I was so Ill I thought I was going to die. My body just gave up on me until the diagnosis, the meds have helped so much, it's been 2 years in June and I am starting to get rashes on my arms and neck. Uncomfortable but tolerable. You don't always get the rash but when you do I have found that it doesn't have to appear on your face. I don't go out in the sun at all it makes me feel Ill and it does make my rash worse. Hang in there peeps, we will find a way to make this better xxx
I have sle and have done so for 25 years, I have never had the rash!
I too have had SLE as a part of MCTD, for over 50 years (with my history of illness prior to the Dx) and my Dx was based on lab results, current symptoms and past history and yet have never in those years had the malar/facial lupus rash either, TG
I have however had discoid involvement in other areas, like my torso and limbs, but never my face.. also I've had alopecia/hair loss which is discoid related and it was probably the worst of discoid for me ~JMO Who likes missing a patch of hair!? It never has grown in fully but at least it did grow in! Good luck to you all
I think it comes parcelled up in the lupus package my rash has always being there even before I knew I had lupus. I have taken hydrocortisone 1% it works wonders ask your doctor for the cream.
Healing mulled wine hugs
Luppychick x
I've battled SLE for 30 years and never had the rash.
I have had lupus for 8 years never had a rash. Ie SLE, and recently just developed cutaneous lupus rash? So it can happen.
I have Lupus and a rash on my neck, this rash becomes very red and hurts when my condition is worsened.
So..........this hallmark SLE malar rash..what sort of percentage of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of SLE would get it, may I ask? As for me, I had discoid lesions in the past (a number of years ago), more severe malar rash in recent years. I had SLE possibly since childhood (I had strokes from it a few years ago) diagnosed later in life after some SLE related disasters struck me.
I was first diagnosed with discoid lupus, or lupus of the skin. But then it also quickly affected my joints and eye. My skin has been awful ever since, and I feel for those in the same itchy flaky sore boat.
It's been suggested I may have developed psoriatic arthritis for which I've recently started stelara injections as nothing else seems to work for me. I had my second injection last Fri. Am really hoping this works though there's been no improvement yet. I set up a Facebook page, "Ste Lara" to track this treatment.
My sister had lupus too, but it never affected her skin.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years ago. However, I have been in constant pain all my joints, totally unlike before. I am exhausted all the time. No matter how much I sleep it's never enough. Just so many more issues then when I was diagnosed. My mother had lupus and I watched her suffer with it. I went to the er and they said I should be tested for lupus and ms. Kind of worried