Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing as well as you can be, I’m feeling very overwhelmed at the moment since I had my last appointment with the rheumatologist which was on Friday... so since the last time I was seen they had put my medication up to 400mg of hydroxychloroquine so it was a check to see how I was getting on but unfortunately I was still struggling with the following:
Cracking and popping in both hip joints (more right than left), numbness down the back of both legs, cold/numb hands and feet, facial rash aggravated by sunlight along with usual pains in hands, wrists, lower back and shoulders. (Other symptoms like fatigue, light/sound sensitivity and brain fog have kind of improved but still there I just mentioned what was getting worse at this appointment)
So they said that I need to come back in two weeks time for an X-ray on my hips to see what’s going on with them but then they said that I need to take medication for Raynaud’s and they’ll prescribe nifedipine - can anyone tell me what the medication does and if there’s any side effects? Also they want to change me from hydroxychloroquine to methotrexate which is kinda scary to me as a 27 year old girl - can anyone tell me what it’s like and if that has any side effects?
I’m really quite bothered about the whole pregnancy/children and methotrexate battle as I want to be able to lead a more normal life but at the same time do I have to give up my rights to having children to stay okay? I already have endometriosis and this makes it difficult to get pregnant in the first place - I just feel like my head is all over the place and nobody in my family seems to understand what’s going on... I’ve tried to talk about how scary it is but they all say the same “take the meds and you’ll be okay” but it wasn’t the case for the hydroxy - am I being silly with all this? Just feel like I’m alone and people really don’t understand it all 😓
If you read this far thank you!
Leenie x