Hi everyone, I’ve never posted on a forum before and to be honest don’t even know if I’m in the right place but I am at the point I don’t know where to turn and almost just want reassurance I’m not going crazy/alone.
Basically Im a 29 year old female and have had symptoms starting over 10 years ago however I was fighting serious mental health symptoms (now diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder) so there was a time things were confused. I have seen multiple doctors but still no real answers and would greatly appreciate any input if people have experienced similar
My first symptoms were:
persistent hair loss (not bald patches just an overall thinning which is noticeable) - told this was stress but it has never got better and is just persistent.
diagnosed with NASH at twenty - gained a lot of weight anti-psychotic medication (olanzapine, sodium valproate and more)
mildly highly CRP levels in every blood test (12-20) over multiple tests/years and ESR at 45-55
I also was check for endometriosis as always had irregular/painful periods however this was negative but had the mirena coil and now symptoms are a lot better although I find smear tests etc very very painful.
Around 6 years ago I started having severe gastro problems going at least 6-8 times a day (this is still the case) sometimes aa bad as 20 times but now take prescribed codeine for pain so more manageable and dark blood in stool. The strange thing with this was I could almost always tell it would happen as I would have an aching pain in my stomach the night before. I had multiple colonoscopies over the years - nothing has been found. I had both positive and negative FIT tests in the past. My gastro got worse when I started vomiting daily (at least 1-2 a day but can be a lot worse) for the last two years. Had two endoscopies but again, nothing found except a ‘relatively large’ hiatus hernia but was not there on the second one, I also have had pain in my right side, sometimes waking me up a night - some crystallisation found in gallbladder but no gallstones.
I have chronic fatigue, headaches/migraines 2-3 times a week. I’m so exhausted daily life is a struggle.
They have found two cysts, one was believed to be a duplication cyst and have now been told it is mesenteric cyst but thankfully benign the other near my kidney and also baggy renal pelvis which is a kidney thing- all this has been decided it is just coincidence/ found due to multiple tests MRI/CT etc and I have no kidney symptoms.
I have been diagnosed with multiple issues though seemingly unrelated including mild BAM, POTS, NASH, Hypothyroidism, SZ Alpha 1 antitrsypsin gene. I have had treatment such as Levothyroxine and my levels for thyroid and my liver are now normal but no changes in symptoms. I have very low blood pressure and low heart rate but when doing little goes incredibly up (hence the POTS diagnosis) and take medication to raise blood pressure which has helped fainting spells a bit but nothing much else
I have had numerous vitamin tests - the only one deficient was vitamin D which now take each day
I also have some random symptoms that are less day to day impactful but still ‘odd’ -
persistent tremor in left hand/left leg - been told this is not Parkinson’s and possibly an essential tremor
ripping sensation in foot but no mark/bruising - very sharp pain at the time but completely goes
Muscle pain in legs, sometimes feels like my legs has cramped up - this has varied over the years in frequency.
flushing in only my face for no reason even when body is cold
recently told I am hyper-mobile
freezing hands/feet and sometimes massive aching at night in legs where they are severely hot (like burning) but again body overall a normal temperature.
Red dots (not painful/not raised) on one foot and before under my eyes but always just goes
skin problems - a red rash on chest in sunlight but nowhere else - I have very fair skin and burn easily but this is not sunburn, it feels very different and also happens just in sunlight, not necessarily very hot. Also recently spots/acne which I’m only putting as I never had this before E.G as a teenager.
Light sensitivity which sometimes is so bad I wear sunglasses Indoors on a cloudy day.
Easy bruising for years, blistering easily, sensitive and cracked tongue can’t use any mouthwash with alcohol. Also sometimes phantom smells such as smoke.
I do not smoke/drink but I have a high BMI. I never mention to my doctor that I don’t eat enough for my weight because I’m scared to be lectured but even with the gastro problem and sometimes barely eating I very rarely lose weight - I have also been told that it could just be I’m overweight for these symptoms which is so disheartening that like I said, I’m scared to even bring it into the conversation.
These symptoms sometimes improve but never go and sometimes one symptoms will be particularly bad and then another a bit better etc however overall my health is deteriorating every month. I barely go out now and luckily work from home but I’ve had to take time off a lot. I have seen so many doctors/specialists /GPs and no real answers. It take years for anyone to even take it seriously and even though they are now agreeing I am ill and that is a huge relief I’m still just getting worse and worse
I just get vague things like Autonomic nervous system dysfunction and also that these range of symptoms are not connected but I feel that they are which I know isnt very scientific but it just seems like too much of a coincidence.
I have had ANA test which was negative and CTD blood test which was also negative, also celiac was negative. Due to this auto immune was ruled out and I’m wondering if it’s still possible with these being negative considering my symptoms.
Has anyone experienced any of this? Sorry, I know this post is incredibly long but I’m just so so tired and I don’t know what to do. Any helps is appreciated and if anyone has experienced anything like this I would really like to know, I just feel so alone in this and like I’m losing more of myself each day.
Thank you so much.