HiDoes anyone on here have any advice regarding cirrhosis of the liver...
To cut a long story short 7 years ago this week I was rushed to hospital with my blood pressure through the roof and my kidneys struggling.
Turns out I had undiagnosed Lupus and a round of IVF had triggered it to attack my kidneys.
I ended up with a diagnosis of SLE, Lupus Nephritis and RA.
3 years of high dose steriod, Rituximab and all the other lovely drugs, going through hell... going from a size 10 to 20 and as I'm sure you all know the sheer hopelessness of it all...
Then lockdown and the nightmare that was.
Finally late 2019 I was well enough to try IVF again and in 22 we welcomed our miracle son.
Been in remission since 2019, I did have a diagnosis of NAFLD somewhere along the line but told nothing to be concerned about.
Over the last 7 years my reflux has gotten progressively worse and 2 weeks ago finally had a hiatus hernia repaired.
When the surgeons discharged me, they accused me of drinking heavily and told me I needed to stop as whilst operating they discovered my liver is showing early signs of cirrhosis, I told them I haven't touched a drink since getting ill in 2018 but they didn't believe me.
I spoke to my Nephrologist once I git home and he explained that there are several Lupus related things that can cause this and he immediately put a referral through for a liver specialist.
But the waiting time for an urgent referral is over 6 months....
Now I'm googling like mad and absolutely devastated that not only will I potentially have to go back on high dose steriods which I swore I would never do again but the thought that I may not be around to see my little boy grow up .
I know I'm probably over thinking and looking at worst case scenarios but it's driving me mad!!
Any advice or honest experiences would be gratefully received.