Hello EveryoneJust thought i'd pop up to show you these special golden cuties. Nine year old Retriever Trigger has fathered more than 300 puppies. This latest litter of 6 will be trained to be Guide Dogs for the Blind. Just amazing and Trigger is right to feel very pleased with his achievements isn't he?. His face says it all.
I hope you can all enjoy this warmer weather for the Bank Holiday but keep safe in the sun.
Take Care
P.s, i'm still waiting for foot op date and foot is very painful. Also ,waiting for gastroscopy date but am eating better and starting to put on weight. Famotidine and esomeprazole is helping with the pain.
Have a new diagnosis of Osteo Arthritis which is making me feel very old and past it!!.
I so appreciate all your support and i hope your not struggling too much yourselves with long waits. Xx