Hello everyone
Just wanted to tell you all this love story between two otters. After being alone for a decade, Badger the otter fell in love with this one called Isa. They are inseparable and staff at Weymouth Sea life Adventure Park are hoping for the pitter patter of tiny otter offspring soon!.
Its a lovely story that i'm sure you all will like. Hope your all keeping as well as possible, navigating jabs and the darker nights. Ugh!.
love MistyX
P.s, i had my long awaited appt with gastro consultant who isnt sure whats going on with me but is very sorry at my suffering!. He wants a ct scan of my pancreas as its only organ not looked at and can cause same gallstone like symptoms!!. Ive got awful pain so hope to have date soon. Will keep you posted and thanx so much for all your support. X